CoE: I also voted against Blot Expansion with my zombie PSS

On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 9:52 AM, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:
> I resolve the Agoran Decisions to adopt Proposals 8033-8041 as follows.
> Quorum is 3 for all of these proposals.
> co-author lists:
> [1] Aris, Cuddle Beam, Gaelan, Trigon
> [2] omd, pokes, o
> [3] Medals of Honour Correction Act
> [4] V.J. Rada
> [5] Ørjan
> [6] Trigon, G.
>> ID     Author(s)    AI   Title                             Pender
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 8033   Kenyon, [1]  2.0  Gray Land and the Fountain        Kenyon
> FOR:          Aris, Corona, Trigon, Quazie, Kenyon
> PRESENT:      V.J. Rada, ATMunn, 2xG.
>> 8034   G.           2.0  Paydays Fix                       Kenyon
> FOR:         Aris, Corona, Trigon, V.J. Rada, Quazie, ATMunn, Kenyon, 2xG.
>> 8035   G., [2]      1.0  Nothing to worry about            G.
> FOR:         Corona, V.J. Rada, Quazie, ATMunn, 2xG., omd, o, pokes
> AGAINST:     Aris, Trigon, Kenyon
>> 8036   Aris         2.0  Impeachment                       Aris
> FOR:         Aris, Corona, Trigon, V.J. Rada, Quazie, ATMunn, Kenyon
> AGAINST:     2xG.
>> 8037   ATMunn       1.0  Medals of Honour Correction Act   ATMunn
> FOR:          Aris, Corona, Trigon, V.J. Rada, Quazie, ATMunn, Kenyon
> PRESENT:      2xG.
>> 8038   V.J. Rada    1.0  V.J. Rada Equitable Remedy.       Corona
> FOR:         2xG.
> AGAINST:     Aris, Corona, Trigon, V.J. Rada, Quazie, ATMunn, Kenyon
>> 8039   Aris, [4]    2.1  V.J. Rada Equitable Remedy v2     Aris
> FOR:          Aris, Corona, Trigon, V.J. Rada, Quazie, ATMunn, Kenyon, 2xG.
>> 8040   Aris, [5]    3.0  Blot Expansion v3                 Aris
> FOR:         Aris, Corona, Trigon, Quazie, ATMunn, Kenyon, 2xG.
> AGAINST:     V.J. Rada
>> 8041   Aris, [6]    2.0  Consolidated Patch                Aris
> FOR:        Aris, Corona, Trigon, V.J. Rada, Quazie, ATMunn, Kenyon, 2xG.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8033
> Title: Gray Land and the Fountain
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Kenyon
> Co-authors: Aris, Cuddle Beam, Gaelan, Trigon
> Amend "Land Types" (Power=2.0):
>     Replace "whose values are "Black", "White", and "Aether"", with the
>     text "whose values are "Black", "White", "Gray", and "Aether""
> Create a new rule "Facility Categories", (Power=2.0):
>     A facility's Category is a switch whose possible values are
>     “Production”, “Processing”, “Monument”, and “Miscellaneous”.  An “x
>     facility”, where x is a Category, refers to a facility that has
>     Category switch set to x.
> Amend "Asset Generation with Facilities" (Power=2.0) to read the following:
>   When an Production or Processing facility creates assets, the assets
>   are added to the facility's possession. The rule that creates an
>   Production or Processing facility CAN specify a carrying capacity for
>   assets. If, at any time, the amount of an asset in the possession of an
>   Production or Processing facility exceeds that asset's carrying
>   capacity, an amount of that asset is destroyed until the amount of that
>   asset in the possession of the facility is equal to its carrying
>   capacity.
>   At the end of every Agoran Week, Agora creates a number of assets in a
>   Production facility specified by the rule which creates the facility.
>   At the end of every Agoran Week, Agora destroys any refinable assets in
>   the possession of each Processing facility that that facility can
>   change into refined assets and replaces them with a corresponding
>   number of refined assets to be specified by the rule that creates the
>   facility.
>   A player can take a number of assets from an Production or Processing
>   facility's inventory by announcement if eir location is the same as
>   the facility's and the following criteria are met:
>    1. if the facility is built on unconserved Public Land, none.
>    2. if the facility is built on preserved Public Land and less than
>    four days have passed since assets were created in the facility most
>    recently, e must not have taken any assets from the inventory of
>    another facility located on a preserved Land Unit within this Agoran
>    week.
>    3. if the facility is built on Communal Land, e must be a party to
>    that contract and the text of the contract must permit em to do so.
>    4. if the facility is built on Private Land, e must own the facility,
>    or the owner must have consented.
> Amend "Facility Ranks" (Power=2.0) to read the following:
>   Rank is a facility switch tracked by the Cartographor defaulting to 1.
>   Its possible values include all integers between 1 and 5, inclusive.
>   If a facility specifies upgrade costs, a player CAN increase the rank
>   of a facility e owns that is at eir location by exactly 1 by
>   announcement by paying any upgrade costs of the facility for that
>   specific rank. If no upgrade costs are specified for a facility, a
>   player CANNOT increase the rank of that facility unless specified in
>   other rules.
> Create a new rule "Facility Colors" (Power=2.0):
>   A facility's Allowed Land Types is a switch with allowed values of a
>   list of allowed values of the Land Type switch, with a default value of
>   {"Black", "White"}. A facility may not have a Parent Land Unit whose
>   Land Type is not an element of their Allowed Land Types. If an action
>   or set of actions would cause a facility to be created with a Parent
>   Land Unit whose Land Type is not an element of its Allowed Land Types,
>   that action or set of actions fails. If a facility's Parent Land Unit's
>   Land Type is flipped to a color that is not in that facility's Allowed
>   Land Types, that facility is destroyed.
>   An “x facility”, where x is a Land Type or list of Land Types, refers
>   to a facility that has the Allowed Land Types switch set to x.
> Create a new rule "Gray Land" (Power=2.0):
>   Gray Land is preserved and owned by Agora. If Land becomes Gray Land,
>   it, along with any facilities with it as their Parent Land Unit, is
>   transferred to Agora.
> Amend “Actions in Arcadia” (Power=1.0) by replacing the first two element
> in the list with:
>   1. 1 apple to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their Land
>   Types are the same or one of them is gray, and the destination is not
>   Aether;
>   2. 2 apples to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their
>   Land Types differ, neither is gray, and the destination is not Aether;
> Create a new rule "Monument Facilities" (Power=1.0):
>   For each type of Monument facility, there may only be one instance of
>   that facility in existence at any one time. An action CANNOT cause an
>   Monument facility to exist while another Monument facility of the same
>   type is already in existence.
> Create a new rule "The Fountain" (Power=1.0):
>   A fountain is a Gray Monument facility. A fountain has no upkeep cost.
> Create a new rule "Wishing Fountain", (Power=1.0):
>   If a player's location is the same as a fountain, e CAN destroy a coin
>   to Throw A Coin into the fountain. This does nothing, unless specified
>   in another Rule. A player MAY announce what e wishes for when e Throws
>   A Coin.
> Set (0, 0)'s Land Type to "Gray".
> Create a fountain at (0, 0) belonging to Agora.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8034
> Title: Paydays Fix
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2559 (Paydays) by replacing the text:
>   e was not issued any Cards other than Green for eir conduct
>   in that office
> with:
>   no unforgivable fines were levied on em for eir conduct in that
>   office
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8035
> Title: Nothing to worry about
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors: omd, pokes, o
> When this proposal takes effect:
>   IF a body of text labelled TALES OF THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE has been
>   published since April 1, 2018,
>   AND that body of text has the following SHA-512 Hash:
>    40ae885e13bb285c25cc19aba4d5d73bf98908781a800a2a389925aa7eb3ad49
>    17aee5e4cfa14fd615193fa1fe2ba3d15fc246c98fb13f159034ae135beafbdf
>   THEN:
>    - First, the power of that body of text is set to the adoption
>      index of this proposal;
>    - Second the provisions contained in that body of text take effect;
>    - Finally, the power of that body of text is set to 0.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8036
> Title: Impeachment
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Enact a new power 2.0 rule, entitled "Impeachment", with the following text:
>   A player CAN be expelled (impeached) from a specified elected office which
>   e holds with 2 Agoran Consent. When a person is impeached from an office,
>   an election is immediately opened for that office. Players SHOULD NOT use
>   this method of removal unless the officer has abused the powers of eir
>   office or otherwise shown emself unworthy the trust of Agora.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8037
> Title: Medals of Honour Correction Act
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: ATMunn
> Co-authors:
> In rule 2529 "Medals of Honour", amend the first paragraph after the bullet
> list to read as follows:
> {
>   Beginning in the second Eastman week of an Agoran month and ending when the
>   next Agoran month begins, if there are any players who are eligible for a
>   Medal of Honour, the Herald CAN, by announcement, initiate an Agoran 
> Decision
>   on who is to be awarded a Medal of Honour. E SHALL do so within the second
>   Eastman week of that Agoran month. For this decision, the valid options are
>   all players who are eligible for a Medal of Honour, the vote collector is 
> the
>   Herald, and the voting method is instant-runoff. Upon the resolution of this
>   decision, the Herald CAN, and SHALL in a timely fashion, award the outcome 
> of
>   the decision a Medal of Honour by announcement. After a player is awarded a
>   Medal of Honour, all players who were previously eligible for a Medal of
>   Honour become no longer eligible.
> }
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8039
> Title: V.J. Rada Equitable Remedy v2
> Adoption index: 2.1
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: V.J. Rada
> If the Contract "Hi!" does not exist, create in V.J. Rada's
> possession assets equal to the assets in that Contract at the moment
> before its destruction. If that Contract still exists, destroy it and
> then create in V.J. Rada's possession assets equal to the assets in
> that Contract at the moment before its destruction.
> Then, transfer one paper and one coin from V.J. Rada to whoever pended
> this proposal. Then, transfer one coin from V.J. Rada to any player
> that voted for this proposal.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8040
> Title: Blot Expansion v3
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-author(s): Ørjan
> Amend Rule 2483, "Economics", by: {
>   Appending "10. incense", as a new list item after "9. fabric"; and
>   Changing "Stones, apples, and corn are considered unrefinable currencies;"
>   to read "Stones, apples, corn, and incense are considered unrefinable
>   currencies;"
> }
> Amend Rule 2563, "Production Facilities", by appending
>   "4. Temples
>          -  Build Cost: 2 lumber, and 3 fabric
>          -  Upkeep Cost: n-1 fabric
>          -  Production Details: 3n incense
>          -  Upgrade Costs:
>             -  Rank 2: 4 coins, 1 lumber, 1 fabric
>             -  Rank 3: 6 coins, 2 lumber, 3 fabric
>             -  Rank 4: 8 coins, 4 lumber, 2 stones, 5 fabric
>             -  Rank 5: 10 coins, 6 lumber, 4 stones, 7 fabric"
> Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by appending "D. 3 incense", as a new list item
> after "C. 2 papers".
> Amend the rule defining welcome packages by adding as a new item, 
> appropriately
> numbered, at the end of the list "5 incense".
> Create 5 incense in the possession of each non-zombie player.
> Amend Rule 2557, "Removing Blots", by changing the first paragraph to read
>   "A player CAN, by announcement, destroy N incense in eir possession to
>   expunge N of eir blots. When e does so, e is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to publicly
>   and grandiloquently apologize to the Spirit of the Game for eir grave crime
>   in breaking the rules, to verbosely praise the same spirit, and to fervently
>   request forgiveness."
> Amend Rule 2556, "Penalties", by appending the text
>   "A player CAN, with 7 days notice, deregister (exile) a specified player
>   (the outlaw) who has more than 40 blots."
> as a new paragraph at the end of the rule.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8041
> Title: Consolidated Patch
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-author(s): Trigon, G.
> Reenact Rule 2456, "The Treasuror" (Power = 1.0), with the following text:
>   The Treasuror is an office.
>   The Treasuror's weekly report includes the list of all public classes
>   of assets.
> Make Gaelan the Treasuror.
> If Rule 2499 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
> text: {
>  If a player has not received a Welcome Package since e most
>   recently registered, any player CAN cause em to receive one by
>   announcement.
>   When a player receives a Welcome Package, Agora creates the
>   following assets in eir possession:
>   1. 10 coins
>   2. 5 lumber
>   3. 5 stones
>   4. 10 apples
>   5. 3 papers
> }
> If a proposal entitled "Gray Land and the Fountain" has not passed: {
>   Amend Rule 2561, Asset Generation with Facilities, by inserting before
>   the text
>     "A player can take a number of assets from a facility's inventory
>     by announcement if eir location is the same as the facility's and
>   the following criteria are met:"
>   the text
>     "A player CANNOT transfer assets to a facility not at eir location."
> }
> otherwise: {
>   Amend Rule 2561, Asset Generation with Facilities, by inserting before the
>   text
>     "A player can take a number of assets from an Production or Processing
>     facility's inventory by announcement if eir location is the same as the
>     facility's and the following criteria are met:"
>   the text
>   "A player CANNOT transfer assets to a facility not at eir location."
> }
> Amend Rule 2003, Actions in Arcadia, by changing the text "substitute 3
> apples for 1 corn" to read "substitute 1 coin for three or fewer apples".
> Amend Rule 2551, "Auction End", by changing the text
>   "When e does so, the Auctioneer SHALL transfer the items in that lot
>   to that winner in a timely fashion. If the Auctioneer is not a
>   person, then a person authorized to cause the Auctioneer to transfer
>   those items SHALL do so in a timely fashion after the winner pays the
>   Auctioneer, instead."
>   to read
>   "When e does so, if the auctioneer CAN transfer the items in that lot to
>   that winner at will, e immediately does so; otherwise, e SHALL do so in a
>   timely fashion. For this purpose, a contract CAN do whatever it could
>   do if it were a person in addition to what it can do as a contract,
>   and Agora CAN do anything."
> Amend Rule 1885, Zombie Auctions, by removing the final paragraph and by
> appending the text "For the purpose of such a auction, to transfer a zombie to
> a player is to set that zombie's master switch to that player." to the third
> paragraph.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

>From V.J. Rada

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