I also support.

I would argue that it does satisfy the SHOULD, as by having that office,
e has the trust of Agora to publish a report when e is required to, and
by not publishing for so long, e has lost that trust (at least for now).

On 6/3/2018 6:49 PM, Ned Strange wrote:
I support.

Probably doesn't satisfy the SHOULD but it's a SHOULD.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 5:38 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu>

I announce intent to impeach Kenyon as Rulekeepor, with 2 Agoran
Consent. (removing em from office is nicer than continual

First time this has been used, so here's the Proposal that created
the impeachment rule for referemce in case there's some bug in it (proposal 8036 took effect on 28 April 2018):

ID: 8036 Title: Impeachment Adoption index: 2.0 Author: Aris Co-authors:

Enact a new power 2.0 rule, entitled "Impeachment", with the
following text:

A player CAN be expelled (impeached) from a specified elected
office which e holds with 2 Agoran Consent. When a person is
impeached from an office, an election is immediately opened for
that office. Players SHOULD NOT use this method of removal unless
the officer has abused the powers of eir office or otherwise shown
emself unworthy the trust of Agora.

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