I vote as follows:
8112 G., ATMunn 1.0 The Middle Way
8113 Trigon 1.0 Auction cleanup
8114 Trigon, twg, G. 1.0 Free auctions 2
AGAINST. Not opposed to the idea, but it seems a bit scammable. But I
can probably be persuaded to vote FOR.
8115 Aris, Trigon 1.5 Heraldic uncertainty
AGAINST, this doesn't seme like the type of thing that should be
8116 Trigon, D Margaux 1.5 Control-C, Control-V
PRESENT, don't really know what this does
8117 D Margaux, twg 2.0 Fix for Uncertain Laurelings
8118 G. 2.0 Laurels Last Longer
8119 D Margaux 2.0 Criminal Justice Adjustments Act
8120 D Margaux 2.0 Blot Decay
8121 G. 3.0 Retroactive Documents
PRESENT, I don't understand what this does because it's late
8122 Murphy 3.0 Middle of the road
AGAINST, this doesn't have any actual effect at the moment and it just
complicates the math for the Assessor.