I create a Contract with just myself with the following content:
Any Party of this Contract can act on behalf of any other Party to this

This Contract can have up to 2 Parties, known as Party 1 and Party 2. Upon
Creation, Cuddlebeam occupies Party 1.

Cuddlebeam can become a Party of this Contract by announcement and
specifying the Party they are occupying (either Party 1 or Party 2).

I become a Party of the Contract above as Party 2.

I perform on behalf of myself to perform that aforementioned action of
acting on behalf of myself.

(I do that by acting on behalf of another party, which happens to also be
occupied by myself)

I have absolutely no idea if this is valid or even remotely useful but I'm
just tossing it out there, look at me try to do cool backflips in the
formal void. (It also doesn't create any gamestate aside from just the
mundane Contract text so I guess it's alright and not too annoying.)

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