I CFJ {I am currently obligated to publish a report detailing the
values of Karma switches as of some point in the previous Agoran

Arguments: I missed my report last week, so my obligation to publish
it continues. Per CFJ 3798, "each part must be up-to-date to within
the time frame specified for the report (e.g. to the current week for
weekly)". So does this mean that I am obligated to publish a report
for the previous week, as an up-to-date report would not be within the
specified time frame?

I CFJ {It is generally POSSIBLE, assuming all other conditions for
deputisation are met, for a person to deputize to publish a weekly
report by publishing a report accurate as of a date one year prior.}

Arguments: The obligation to continually maintain information in a
report is one held only by the officer, separate from the obligation
to actually publish the report. Per CFJ 3798's logic, the obligation
that the report be up-to-date is a part of the maintenance obligation
and not of the general publication obligation. It thus follows that a
completely out-of-date report would still qualify.


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