The below document, labelled THE MYSTERY DOCUMENT, contains the text of a
rule change. The rule change will be incorporated by reference into the
effects of proposal 8483 (quoted below), and the rule change will take
effect if and when that proposal takes effect. The rule change text, along
with this specification of the method to be used for the rule change, is
being published in accordance with the 'at least 4 days' clause of Rule 105.


The patent title Rulebender is hereby awarded to each player whose valid
vote on the decision to adopt Proposal 8483 evaluated to FOR at the
end of the decision's voting period.

Create the following Rule, "Rulebending":

      G. CAN, by announcement, make a Rulebender (defined as being an
      active player holding the patent title of Rulebender) into a
      Rulebending Magister, or make any entity cease being a rulebending
      magister.  Changes to an entity's rulebending magister status are

      A rulebending magister CAN demonstrate a Rulebending Form by
      announcement, specifying a published document as being the
      form.  When e does so, the form's power is set to the power of this
      rule, it takes effect as an ephemeral instrument, and then its power
      is set to 0.  However, a rulebending form CANNOT apply any of the
      following changes:

      - rule changes;
      - the creation, destruction, or transfer of assets;
      - the flipping of switches;
      - the creation, modification, or termination of any pledge, promise,
        or contract;
      - the changing of an entity's rulebending magister status.

      G. CAN cause this rule to repeal itself by announcement.

Hereby, there are no rulebending magisters.

G. is hereby made a rulebending magister.


For reference, proposal 8483:
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8483
> Title: a minor adjustment
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> If G., acting as emself, has published a single body of text clearly
> labeled as "THE MYSTERY DOCUMENT" after the voting period on the
> referendum for this proposal has began, this proposal applies all effects
> specified in that body of text.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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