On 8/31/2020 9:54 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-official wrote:
                 The Ribbon Bar (Tailor's Monthly Report)

Date of this report: 2020-08-31
Date of last report: 2020-07-31
(all times UTC)

FESTIVITY                                                (self-ratifies)

No Festival is ongoing; that is, Agora's Festivity is 0.

RIBBON OWNERSHIP                                         (self-ratifies)

Aris               ROG CBMUVIPL KAT
ATMunn              OGE BMUV   WKAT
CuddleBeam             C M V P W A
Falsifian          ROGECBMUV PL KAT
Gaelan                 CBMUV     A
grok                O   BMUV
G.                  OG  BMUV PL KAT
Jason              ROGE B UV P   AT
Murphy             R   CBMUV    KAT
nic                ROGECBMUV PLWKAT
omd                    C  UV    KA
P.S.S.             ROGECBMUV  L KAT
R. Lee              O ECBMUV  LWKA
Trigon             ROGECBMUV P  KAT
Baron von Vaderham               A
D. Margaux         ROG CBMUVIP WKAT
Telnaior                 M V    KA
twg                 O EC  U IP WKAT
ais523             ROG CBMUV PLWKAT
Alexis             ROGECBMUVIP WKAT
aranea             ROG CBM V PLW A
babelian                  U
Bayushi                  MU
Bede                     M     W
Bernie             RO    M
Bögtil                           A
Chuck                    M
Corona                   M V    K
Ienpw III                 UV
K                              W
Kenyon                           A
o                  ROG  BMUV   WKAT
Ørjan                    M V     A
pokes                           K
Quazie              O  C MUV    KA
Rance                  C
Roujo                      V
Sprocklem                MUV   W A
stadjer                        W
Tekneek                   M
Tenhigitsune        O     UV     A
Tiger                   BM
tmanthe2nd                UV
Veggiekeks             C  UV
Walker                   M
Warrigal               C M
Yally                    M
Zachary Watterson         U

GLITTER                                           (does not self-ratify)

Currently, Glitter rewards are as follows:

Red          17 coins
Orange       13 coins
Green        15 coins
Emerald      17 coins
Cyan         12 coins
Blue         12 coins
Magenta      11 coins
Ultraviolet  10 coins
Violet        9 coins
Indigo       22 coins
Platinum     16 coins
Lime         19 coins
White        19 coins  (not earnable)
blacK        12 coins  (not earnable except via proposal/scam)
grAy          8 coins  (not earnable)
Transparent  14 coins

RULES SUMMARY                                     (does not self-ratify)
The rules for Ribbons are set out in detail in Rule 2438, but to
summarise, you can be awarded each different colour of Ribbon for
different achievements within Agora, usually within 7 days after the
chievement. If you come to qualify for a Ribbon that you already have,
you can instead award yourself Glitter, which provides you a small coin
bonus based on the Ribbon's rarity.

When you have collected all 16 Ribbons, you can use them to win the game
by Renaissance. After winning by Renaissance, you can't collect any more
Ribbons (or Glitter) for 7 days.

Approximate summary of how to collect each type of Ribbon:

Red          Successfully propose a rule change at Power 3 or higher
Orange       Your proposal is unanimously adopted
Green        Hold an elected office for 30 days, without Tardiness
Emerald      Win an election
Cyan         Deputise for an officer
Blue         Judge a CFJ within the time limit
Magenta      Claim on Agora's Birthday
Ultraviolet  Become Champion not by Renaissance (usually by winning the
Violet       Receive a Patent Title (other than Champion or a degree)
Indigo       Receive a degree
Platinum     Be the Speaker of Agora
Lime         Co-author three adopted proposals within 7 days
White        Never own a White Ribbon before; or, receive from someone
                who has never gifted a White Ribbon before
blacK        N/A; only possible by proposal or scam
grAy         Awarded monthly by the Tailor
Transparent  Receive or qualify for 5 Ribbons within 7 days

RIBBON HISTORY                                    (does not self-ratify)

2014-11-04  aranea              +W (never owned before)
2014-11-04  aranea              +C (Tailor)
2014-11-06  Sprocklem           +W (never owned before)
2014-11-09  omd                 +C (King Azaz)
2014-11-14  Alexis              +C (Herald)
2015-01-07  G.                  +C (Referee)
2015-04-17  stadjer             +W (never owned before)
2015-05-01  aranea              +R (Proposal 7736)
2015-05-01  aranea              +O (Proposal 7735)
2015-05-01  aranea              +L (Proposals 7735, 7736, 7737)
2015-05-01  G.                  +R (Proposal 7734)
2015-05-01  G.                  +O (Proposal 7738)
2015-05-01  G.                  +L (Proposals 7734, 7738, 7739)
2015-05-01  G.                  +P
2015-05-12  ais523              +O (Proposal 7742)
2015-05-12  Alexis              +P
2015-05-13  Alexis              +G (Tailor)
2015-05-22  G.                  +B (CFJ 3448)
2015-05-23  Alexis              +B (CFJ 3447)
2015-05-24  G.                  +W (gifted by aranea)
2015-06-09  ais523              +G (Prime Minister)
2015-06-29  Alexis              +M
2015-06-29  aranea              +M
2015-06-29  ais523              +M
2015-06-29  Warrigal            +M
2015-06-29  Sprocklem           +M
2015-06-29  Tiger               +M
2015-06-29  G.                  +M
2015-06-29  Bede                +M
2015-06-30  Gaelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan+M
2015-06-30  aranea              +A
2015-06-30  Alexis              +O (Proposal 7753)
2015-07-10  G.                  +G (Arbitor)
2015-07-12  aranea              +V ("Unchampion")
2015-07-26  Alexis              +A
2015-07-28  aranea              +B (CFJ 3449)
2015-08-03  ais523              +V ("Silver Quill 2015/07")
2015-08-10  Tiger               +B (CFJ 3451)
2015-08-11  omd                 +K (by Proposal 7784)
2015-08-11  ais523              +K (by Proposal 7784)
2015-08-11  Alexis              +K (by Proposal 7784)
2015-08-11  Alexis              +R (Proposal 7772)
2015-08-11  Alexis              +P
2015-08-17  omd                 +A
2015-08-21  ais523              +U
2015-08-21  omd                 +U
2015-08-21  Alexis              +U
2015-09-30  Gaelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan+A
2015-10-08  Bede                +W (never owned before)
2015-10-21  G.                  +A
2015-11-27  Murphy              +C (Secretary)
2015-11-28  ais523              +P
2015-11-29  Murphy              +A
2016-02-21  Sprocklem           +A
2016-06-26  nichdel             +C (Registrar)
2016-06-30  Tekneek             +M
2016-06-30  nichdel             +M
2016-07-14  nichdel             +A
2016-08-01  omd                 +V ("Distributor")
2016-08-20  ais523              +A
2016-10-13  Alexis              +C (Referee)
2016-10-13  Alexis              +A
2016-11-10  Alexis              +V ("Princess of Agora" dictatorship)
2017-03-26  Warrigal            +C (ADoP)
2017-04-18  Quazie              +C (Superintendent)
2017-04-18  P.S.S.              +C (Registrar)
2017-05-10  o                   +O (Proposal 7846)
2017-05-10  o                   +G (Secretary)
2017-05-10  o                   +B (CFJ 3485)
2017-05-10  o                   +W (never owned before)
2017-05-10  o                   +T (+OGBWR)
2017-05-10  o                   +R (Proposal 7846)
2017-05-18  ais523              +C (Tailor)
2017-05-18  o                   +A
2017-05-21  nichdel             +G (Assessor)
2017-05-21  nichdel             +B (CFJ 3499)
2017-05-21  nichdel             +U
2017-05-21  nichdel             +P
2017-05-21  nichdel             +W (never owned before)
2017-05-21  nichdel             +T (+GBUPW)
2017-05-22  ais523              +B (CFJ 3504)
2017-05-22  ais523              +T (+OBUVC)
2017-05-23  grok                +B (CFJ 3507)
2017-05-24  nichdel             +O (Proposal 7852)
2017-05-25  tmanthe2nd          +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  G.                  +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  CuddleBeam          +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Ienpw III           +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  nichdel             +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  o                   +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Ørjan               +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Aris                +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Murphy              +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Quazie              +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  P.S.S.              +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Sprocklem           +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Veggiekeks          +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Roujo               +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Gaelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan+V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  Zachary W.          +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-05-25  grok                +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
2017-06-02  G.                  +I (A.N.)
2017-06-05  ais523              +R (Proposal 7853)
2017-06-05  Quazie              +O (Proposal 7855)
2017-06-05  grok                +O (Proposal 7857)
2017-06-10  Veggikeks           +C (Reportor)
2017-06-10  Murphy              +B (CFJ 3522)
2017-06-24  ais523              +W (unusual circumstances; see CFJ 3525)
2017-06-24  Alexis              +W (unusual circumstances; see CFJ 3525)
2017-06-28  Quazie              +K
2017-06-29  Quazie              +M
2017-06-29  CuddleBeam          +M
2017-06-29  P.S.S.              +M
2017-06-29  Chuck               +M
2017-06-29  Yally               +M
2017-06-29  grok                +M
2017-06-29  Aris                +M
2017-06-29  Bayushi             +M
2017-06-30  o                   +M
2017-06-30  V.J. Rada           +M
2017-06-30  Ørjan               +M
2017-07-04  CuddleBeam          +W
2017-07-06  o                   +A
2017-08-23  K                   +W
2017-08-24  Quazie              +A
2017-09-06  Aris                +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  babelian            +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Bayushi             +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Gaelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan+U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  grok                +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Ienpw III           +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Murphy              +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  o                   +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Publius             +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Quazie              +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Sprocklem           +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  tmanthe2nd          +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  V.J. Rada           +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Veggiekeks          +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Zachary W.          +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  Tenhigitsune        +U (Apathy)
2017-09-06  V.J. Rada           +W (never owned before)
2017-09-13  Quazie              +P
2017-09-26  ais523              +L (Proposals 7881, 7882, 7886)
2017-09-26  V.J. Rada           +L (Proposals 7881, 7885, 7888)
2017-09-29  Aris                +R (Proposal 7889)
2017-10-03  G.                  +T (U [Apathy], P, O [Proposal 7899],
                                     C [Assessor], B [CFJ 3567])
2017-10-09  G.                  -T (accidental self-ratification)
2017-10-23  G.                  +T (by Proposal 7922)
2017-10-28  ATMunn              +A
2017-11-02  Alexis              +I (self-ratification scam)
2017-11-02  Alexis              +G (self-ratification scam)
2017-11-29  Tenhigitsune        +A
2017-12-11  Telnaior            +A
2018-02-04  Cuddle Beam         +C
2018-02-05  Aris                +P
2018-02-12  Telnaior            +K (self-ratification scam)
2018-04-27  G.                  +K (by Proposal 8035)
2018-04-27  omd                 +K (by Proposal 8035)
2018-04-27  o                   +K (by Proposal 8035)
2018-04-27  pokes               +K (by Proposal 8035)
2018-04-28  V.J. Rada           +K (by Proposal 8035)
2018-04-28  Corona              +K (by Proposal 8035)
2018-04-28  Quazie              +K (by Proposal 8035)
2018-04-29  ATMunn              +K (by Proposal 8035)
2018-05-02  Aris                +G (Regkeepor)
2018-05-02  Aris                +O (Proposal 8041)
2018-05-02  Aris                +T (G, O, P, R [Proposal 8040],
                                     W [never owned before])
2018-06-11  Trigon              +A
2018-06-14  Aris                +B (CFJ 3639)
2018-06-29  Corona              +M
2018-06-29  Trigon              +M
2018-06-29  G.                  -ROGCBMUVIPLWKAT (Win by Renaissance)
2018-06-29  G.                  +M
2018-06-30  Telnaior            +M
2018-06-30  Murphy              +M
2018-06-30  twg                 +M
2018-07-02  G.                  +P
2018-07-02  G.                  +G (Assessor)
2018-07-02  G.                  +T (+UCOLB)
2018-07-08  G.                  +U (Renaissance)
2018-07-08  G.                  +C (Prime Minister)
2018-07-08  G.                  +O (Proposal 8053)
2018-07-08  G.                  +L (Proposals 8054, 8055, 8056)
2018-07-08  G.                  +B (CFJ 3644)
2018-08-27  D. Margaux          +C (Referee)
2018-08-27  twg                 +A
2018-09-09  Kenyon              +A
2018-09-21  D. Margaux          +O (Proposal 8090)
2018-09-30  twg                 +U (Proposal)
2018-09-30  twg                 +P
2018-10-01  D. Margaux          +K
2018-10-01  D. Margaux          +G (Referee)
2018-10-01  D. Margaux          +B (CFJ 3662)
2018-10-01  D. Margaux          +U (Proposal)
2018-10-01  D. Margaux          +W (never owned before)
2018-10-01  D. Margaux          +T (+KGBUW)
2018-10-01  G.                  +R (Proposal 8083)
2018-10-01  G.                  +K
2018-10-01  twg                 +O (Proposal 8082)
2018-10-01  twg                 +K
2018-10-01  twg                 +G (Treasuror)
2018-10-01  twg                 +T (+UPOKG)
2018-10-01  twg                 +W (never owned before)
2018-10-01  Murphy              +K
2018-10-06  Aris                +A
2018-10-27  D. Margaux          +R (Proposal 8107)
2018-10-27  D. Margaux          +V ("Badge of the Salted Earth")
2018-10-27  twg                 +V ("Badge of the Salted Earth")
2018-11-01  Trigon              +V ("Badge of the Salted Earth")
2018-11-01  ATMunn              +V ("Badge of the Salted Earth")
2018-11-01  Corona              +V ("Badge of the Salted Earth")
2018-11-01  G.                  +V ("Badge of the Salted Earth")
2018-11-01  G.                  +A
2018-11-01  twg                 +B (CFJ 3677)
2018-11-01  twg                 +C (Referee)
2018-11-12  Murphy              +R (Proposal 8122)
2018-11-14  Trigon              +O (Proposal 8116)
2018-11-19  twg                 +R (Proposal 8129)
2018-11-19  Tenhigitsune        +O (Proposal 8131)
2018-11-19  Trigon              +R (Proposal 8126)
2018-12-14  Ørjan               +A
2019-01-08  D. Margaux          +P
2019-02-13  D. Margaux          +I (scam A.N.)
2019-02-13  twg                 +I (scam A.N.)
2019-02-18  CuddleBeam          +A
2019-05-06  Aris                +C (Arbitor)
2019-06-04  D. Margaux          +A
2019-06-09  Falsifian           +G (Registrar, Tailor)
2019-06-09  Falsifian           +B (CFJs 3726, 3727)
2019-06-10  Rance               +C (Herald)
2019-06-25  Falsifian           +C (Treasuror)
2019-06-25  Falsifian           +V ("MacGyver")
2019-06-25  Falsifian           +T (+CVWGB)
2019-06-29  Falsifian           +M
2019-06-29  D. Margaux          +M
2019-06-29  Jason               +M
2019-06-29  Walker              +M
2019-06-29  Bernie              +M
2019-07-01  R. Lee              +C (ADoP)
2019-07-10  Jason               +R (Proposals 8182, 8186, 8187)
2019-07-10  Jason               +O (Proposals 8186, 8187)
2019-07-10  Jason               +C (Assessor)
2019-07-10  Jason               +A
2019-07-24  Falsifian           +O (Proposal 8202)
2019-08-01  Falsifian           +A
2019-08-03  Jason               +B (CFJ 3766)
2019-08-08  G.                  +W (gifted by Jason)
2019-08-08  Jason               +G (Assessor)
2019-08-08  Jason               +U (Spaaace)
2019-08-08  Falsifian           +U (Spaaace)
2019-08-09  Falsifian           +P
2019-08-09  Jason               +P
2019-08-09  Jason               +T (+WGBUP)
2019-09-07  Jason               +L (Proposals 8232, 8228, 8234)
2019-10-31  Baron von Vaderham  +A
2019-11-07  Jason               +I (M.N.)
2019-11-12  Jason               +E (Assessor)
2019-11-23  G.                  +E (Arbitor)
2020-01-25  twg                 +E (Treasuror)
2020-01-25  Alexis              +E (Herald)
2020-01-25  Alexis              +T (R [Proposal 8283], O [Proposal
                                     8283], B [CFJ 3794], E, C [Prime
2020-01-29  Bernie              +R (Proposal 8291)
2020-01-29  Bernie              +O (Proposal 8291)
2020-01-29  twg                 +L (Proposals 8291, 8292, 8295)
2020-01-29  twg                 -ROGECBMUVIPLWKAT (Win by Renaissance)
2020-02-09  twg                 +C (ADoP)
2020-02-09  twg                 +E (Tailor)
2020-02-09  twg                 +I (A.N.)
2020-02-09  twg                 +U (Renaissance)
2020-02-09  twg                 +A
2020-02-09  twg                 +W (gifted by zombie Bernie)
2020-02-09  twg                 +T (+CEIUAW)
2020-02-09  Gaelan              +B (CFJ 3806)
2020-02-13  twg                 +O (Proposal 8311)
2020-02-14  Falsifian           +U (High Score)
2020-02-27  Falsifian           +E (Registrar)
2020-03-01  CuddleBeam          +P
2020-03-01  twg                 +P
2020-03-20  Telnaior            +V (Left in a Huff)
2020-04-23  Jason               +V (Hard Labor)
2020-04-25  P.S.S.              +E (Referee)
2020-04-25  P.S.S.              +B (CFJ 3830)
2020-04-25  P.S.S.              +A
2020-05-01  Trigon              +E (Treasuror)
2020-05-01  Trigon              +P
2020-05-01  Trigon              +U
2020-05-05  Trigon              +C
2020-05-05  Trigon              +T (E [Treasuror], P, U, C [Herald], W)
2020-05-12  Falsifian           +R (P 8376)
2020-05-12  Trigon              +B (CFJ 3832)
2020-05-31  Bögtil              +A
2020-06-10  G.                  +I (J.N.)
2020-06-10  G.                  -ROGECBMUVIPLWKAT (Win by Renaissance)
2020-06-11  Trigon              +G (Treasuror)
2020-06-11  P.S.S.              +G (Referee)
2020-06-12  nch                 +R (P 8408)
2020-06-13  nch                 +E (Webmastor)
2020-06-13  R. Lee              +E (ADoP)
2020-06-14  ATMunn              +B (CFJ 3847)
2020-06-14  R. Lee              +B (CFJ 3842)
2020-06-14  P.S.S.              +R (P 8422)
2020-06-14  P.S.S.              +O (P 8430)
2020-06-14  P.S.S.              +L (P 8408, 8416, and 8424)
2020-06-15  R. Lee              +O (P 8411)
2020-06-15  ATMunn              +E (Notary)
2020-06-18  G.                  +B (CFJ 3840)
2020-06-18  G.                  +P
2020-06-18  G.                  +U (by Renaissance)
2020-06-18  G.                  +O (P 8407)
2020-06-18  G.                  +L (P 8408, 8416, 8417, 8422, 8423, and
2020-06-18  G.                  +T (B [CFJ 3840], P, U [by Renaissance],
                                     O [P 8407], L [P 8408, 8416, 8417,
                                     8422, 8423, and 8430])
2020-06-26  G.                  +G (Arbitor)
2020-06-27  G.                  +V (Tapecutter for P 8407)
2020-06-29  G.                  +M
2020-06-29  R. Lee              +A
2020-06-29  ATMunn              +M
2020-07-08  G.                  -U (Removed by Proposal, "UV-G Sunblock")
2020-07-08  nch                 +L (P 8459, 8468, and 8469)
2020-07-10  Falsifian           +L (P 8459, 8462 and 8469)
2020-07-16  ATMunn              +G (Notary)
2020-07-19  Aris                +K (P 8473)
2020-07-19  Falsifian           +K (P 8473)
2020-07-19  G.                  +K (P 8473)
2020-07-19  Jason               +K (P 8473)
2020-07-19  P.S.S.              +K (P 8473)
2020-07-19  Trigon              +K (P 8473)
2020-07-19  nix                 +K (P 8473)
2020-07-19  twg                 +K (P 8473)
2020-07-19  Jason               +W
2020-07-19  Jason               -ROGECBMUVIPLWKAT (Win by Renaissance)
2020-07-20  ATMunn              +O (P 8476)
2020-07-20  ATMunn              +W
2020-07-20  ATMunn              +T (G [Notary], B [CFJ 3868],
                                     B [P 8473], O [P 8476], W)
2020-07-26  Jason               +B (CFJ 3867)
2020-07-27  Jason               +A
2020-07-27  Jason               +G (Assessor)
2020-07-27  Jason               +P
2020-07-28  Jason               +E (Assessor)
2020-07-28  Jason               +T (B [CFJ 3867], A, G [Assessor], P,
                                     E [Assessor])
2020-08-01  Aris                +I (A.N.A., "The Very Worst Thing That
                                     Could Possibly Happen")
2020-08-10  ATMunn              +U (by Tournament [Diplonomic 2020])
2020-08-10  Jason               +R (P 8478)
2020-08-10  Jason               +O (P 8478)
2020-08-10  G.                  +O (P 8483)
2020-08-10  G.                  +U (by Tournament [Diplonomic 2020])
2020-08-10  Jason               +U (by Tournament [Diplonomic 2020])
2020-08-10  Jason               +V (Rulebender)
2020-08-10  Aris                +L (P 8479, 8484, and 8485)
2020-08-10  R. Lee              +V (Rulebender)
2020-08-16  Murphy              +T (RCBMUVKA by Proposal 8487)
2020-08-16  P.S.S.              +T (ROGECBMUVLKA by Proposal 8487)
2020-08-17  G.                  +A

Whoops, guess I never got my Platinum ribbon.

I award myself a Platinum ribbon.

friendly neighborhood notary and Speaker of Agora :)

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