On 10/10/2020 1:03 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:
>> I Point my Finger at Aris for failing to judge CFJ 3884 within the
>> extended deadline.
>> Purely in the spirit of trying to get a Justice Card; no rebuke
>> intended.
> Arguments: This isn't late. The deadline was extended by a week, and
> it hasn't been two weeks since the original deadline.

Note to referee:  When I entered the extension last week, I wondered if
the extension language in R591 ("Doing so extends eir judgement deadline
for that case by one week.") meant extend 1 week from the original
deadline or extend 1 week from the time of filing for an extension.  Aris
is on time by the first reading but late by the second.  I assumed the
first reading was correct (and that was my intent in authoring the
proposal), but the wording is a bit ambiguous.


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