I submit the following proposal and pay a fee of one pendant to cause it
to become pending:

Title: Stones

Adoption index: 2.0

Author: Jason

Coauthors: G., Aris, nix, Trigon, Gaelan, Falsifian


Enact a new rule, power 2, title "Stones", with the following text:
A stone is a unique indestructable liquid asset defined by the rules. To
define a stone, the definition must include:
(i)   A name unique among stones;
(ii)  The escape risk of the stone, which must be a percentage between
0% and 100% inclusive;
(iii) A scroll, which is a document specifying the effects of the stone
(iv)  Optionally, a frequency, which must be one of daily, weekly,
monthly, or quarterly.

Ownership of stones is entirely restricted to Agora and active players.
If a stone is owned by the Lost and Found Department or in abeyance, it
is immediately transferred to Agora.

The Stonemason is an office, and the recordkeepor of stones.

Enact a new rule, power 2, title "Wielding Stones", with the following text:
Except as otherwise specified by the rules, the owner of a stone CAN
wield it by announcement specifying any values needed to interpret the
stone's effects.

If a stone has a frequency, then it is IMPOSSIBLE to wield that stone if
it has been previously wielded in the same Agoran time interval as
indicated by its frequency (e.g. if its frequency is daily, if it has
been wielded in the same Agoran day).

When a stone is wielded, the Rule defining that stone applies the
effects in that stone's scroll.

Enact a new rule, power 2, title "Distributing Stones", with the
following text:
The Stonemason CAN initiate an auction for any set of stones belonging
to Agora for which an auction is not ongoing, with each individual stone
being an auction lot. The Stonemason is the auctioneer, and the currency
is coins.

The Stonemason SHALL so initiate an auction for a set of stones
consisting of at least one third the stones eligible for auction in a
timely fashion after publishing a collection notice, provided there any
eligible stones.

Enact a new rule, power 2, title "Collecting Stones", with the following
Once per month, the Stonemason CAN publish a collection notice by
announcement, specifying all necessary information and choices. The
Stonemason SHALL publish such a notice in a timely fashion after the
beginning of each Agoran month.

A stone is immune if there has been no collection notice after it was
most recently granted immunity (if ever), as defined by other rules.

A collection notice includes, for every non-immune stone not belonging
to Agora, a random choice of whether that stone escapes, escaping with
probability equal to its escape risk. When a collection notice is
published, stones that escape are transferred to Agora in an order
specified by the collection notice.

Enact a new rule, power 2, title "The Gauntlet", with the following text:
When a player makes a correct announcement that a single specified
player owns 5 or more stones, the specified player Wields the Guantlet.

When a player Wields the Gauntlet, e wins the game and all existing
stones are transferred to Agora.

Enact a new rule, power 2, title "The Stones", with the following text:
The following stones are defined, one per paragraph, with the following
format: Stone Name (Frequency, Escape Risk): Scroll.

- Power Stone (weekly, 40%): A specified player hereby buys strength 3
times on a specified unresolved Agoran decision.

- Wealth Stone (weekly, 50%): A specified player hereby earns 5
boatloads of coins.

- Soul Stone (weekly, 50%): The Soul Stone is hereby transferred to the
owner of a different specified non-immune stone, then that stone is
transferred to the wielder.

- Sabotage Stone (weekly, 80%): The adoption index of a specified
AI-majority Agoran decision is hereby increased by 1.

- Concentration Stone (weekly, 60%): A specified player earns the Grant
associated with eir Focus.

- Protection Stone (monthly, 70%): A specified stone is granted immunity.

Jason hereby becomes the Stonemason.


Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor

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