On 11/8/20 12:22 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-business wrote:
> G. wrote:
>> Due to real life, I was delinquent in rewarding Judgement rewards to
>> Judge
>> Aris (3884) and myself (3885).  Gaelan (3886) was late judging but I'll
>> count em anyway.  Murphy (3887) was not technically late I would under
>> normal circumstances still have a couple hours to reward em.
>> Unfortunately I can't do any of these, because changing the reward in the
>> rules (from "5 coins" to "5 boatloads of coins") by precedent removes the
>> ability to reward the old reward while not retroactively granting the
>> ability to award the new one.
>> I transfer 5 coins to Aris.
>> I transfer 5 coins to Murphy.
>> I transfer 5 coins to Gaelan.
> This is a Notice of Honour:
> -1 karma Agora (collectively overlooking this)
> +1 karma G. (paying for it out of pocket)

This is a Notice of Honour
+1 Murphy (actually using honour)
-1 Agora (collectively overlooking this [honour])

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth

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