On 11/15/20 3:18 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-official wrote:
> ===============================  CFJ 3889  ===============================
>       Webmastor is an office.
> ==========================================================================



ID: 8388
Title: The Webmastor
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: nch

Enact a rule titled "The Webmastor" with Power=1 and the following text:

  The Webmastor is an office.

  The Webmastor's monthly report includes a Directory, a Changelog, a
  Warning Log, and an Error Log. The Directory lists notable
  currently maintained public resources. The Changelog lists notable
  changes to resources. The Warning Log lists notable potential
  issues, such as inaccurate or aging resources or unintended issues
  with a public resource. The Error Log lists notable losses of
  resources - where a resource has become inaccessible, unmaintained,
  or unusable. Where 'notable' is used in this rule its meaning is up
  to the Webmastor's discretion.



"Rule 2616", as appearing in the latest SLR:

Rule 2616/0 (Power=1.0)
The Webmastor

      The Webmastor's monthly report includes a Directory, a Changelog,
      a Warning Log, and an Error Log. The Directory lists notable
      currently maintained public resources. The Changelog lists notable
      changes to resources. The Warning Log lists notable potential
      issues, such as inaccurate or aging resources or unintended issues
      with a public resource. The Error Log lists notable losses of
      resources - where a resource has become inaccessible,
      unmaintained, or unusable. Where 'notable' is used in this rule
      its meaning is up to the Webmastor's discretion.

Enacted by P8388 'The Webmastor' (nch), 03 Jun 2020





So it appears this is my fault. Proposal 8388, as adopted, enacts a rule
that explicitly states that "The Webmastor is an office." However, it
appears that the Rulekeepor (*cough* me *cough*) didn't copy the first
paragraph when applying the proposal. I'm sorry for making the mistake
and any confusion that it has caused.

Judged TRUE.

For the next 7 days, I pledge not to claim any rewards from this judgment.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason

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