Le 20/11/2020 à 23:32, ATMunn via agora-official a écrit :
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Humble Agoran Farming" (initial revision)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam, PSS, Trigon, Falsifian, Gaelan, Aris
> ----------
> Members to this contract are Farmers. Any Player can become a Farmer by
> announcement, or cease to be one by announcement.
> Farmers can, up to once per Agoran week, PLANT POTATOES. Doing so causes
> them to gain 1 Potato. Potatoes are an asset.
> There is a Farmer who is the Farmest. The Farmest is the recordkeeper of
> Potatoes. Cuddlebeam is the Farmest.
> ----------
> History:
> 21 Oct 18:34 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 21 Oct 18:59 2020: PSS became a party
> 21 Oct 19:12 2020: Trigon became a party
> 25 Oct 03:46 2020: Falsifian became a party
> 25 Oct 09:39 2020: Gaelan became a party
> 25 Oct 21:35 2020: Aris became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Orchard" (initial revision)
> Parties: ATMunn, Falsifian, Trigon, Cuddlebeam, Jason, P.S.S., Gaelan
> ----------
> Players to this contract are known as Orchardors. Any player can become
> an Orchardor by announcement, and any Orchardor may cease to be one by
> announcement.
> Trees are a type of asset. Any Orchardor can PLANT A TREE by
> announcement, specifying a fruit type, as long as e has not already done
> so in the last 7 days. When an Orchardor PLANTS A TREE, e is granted one
> new Tree of the specified fruit type.
> Fruits are a type of asset. Each Fruit has a type; Fruits with the same
> type are fungible. A Fruit may also be referred to by its type. Any
> Orchardor can PICK FRUIT by announcement, if e has not already done so
> in the last 7 days. When an Orchardor does so, for every Tree e owns, e
> earns one Fruit of the same type as that tree.
> The player who has been an Orchardor for the longest is known as the
> Orchardoror. The Orchardoror is the recordkeepor of Trees and Fruits.
> ----------
> History:
> 26 Oct 21:49 2020: contract created by ATMunn
> 26 Oct 22:11 2020: Falsifian became a party
> 26 Oct 22:15 2020: Trigon became a party
> 26 Oct 22:30 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
> 26 Oct 22:32 2020: Jason became a party
> 27 Oct 00:28 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 08 Nov 12:50 2020: Gaelan became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

CoE: I became an Orchador on Nov 08 and a Farmer on Nov 12




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