ATMunn wrote:

On 3/28/2021 2:54 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-official wrote:


Office             Report                    Last Published     Late[1]
ADoP               Offices                   2021-03-21[2]
Arbitor            Judicial matters          2021-03-25
Notary             Contracts                 2021-03-18
Promotor           Proposal pool             2021-03-21
Referee            Rule violations           2021-03-07         !!
Registrar          Players, Fora             2021-03-27         (vacant)
Rulekeepor         Short Logical Ruleset     2021-03-11         !
Stonemason         Stones                    2021-03-24
Tailor             Glitter values            2021-03-28
Treasuror          Coins, other currencies   2021-03-25
[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report

CoE: I published a Notary report on the 24th:

Admitted. (It was listed in the detail section, but the weekly/monthly
flag was apparently missed out; I should fix the update script to block
in that situation.)

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