I apologize; my Promotor's report is going to be late this week. I
thought I could finish it, but there are a ton of proposals and it's
taking longer than I expected. It shouldn't be more than a few days
late. In the meantime, here's an index of proposals you can check.

ID      Author(s)               AI    Title
8574&   Trigon, Jason, Aris     1.0   mending the quill
8575&   Jason, Gaelan           2.0   Stone Win Delay v2
8576*   Jason, Aris, Murphy     3.0   "By announcement" loosening
8577*   Jason                   3.0   Festival intent eligibility
8578&   Jason, Trigon           2.0   Auction limitation
8579*   Jason, Trigon           3.0   AI voting method clarification v2
8580*   Jason, ais523, Trigon   3.0   Strength Buying Separation v2
8581&   Aris                    1.0   Grants on Resets
8582&   Aris                    2.0   The Artistry Lies in the Art
8583*   Murphy                  3.0   Clarify switches
8584*   Murphy                  3.0   Effective deference
8585*   Murphy                  3.0   Clarify variable voting period
8586*   Murphy                  3.0   Clarify deputisation
8587&   Murphy, G.              2.0   Clarify nomination period
8588&   Murphy, G.              2.0   Clarify stone retrieval
8589&   ATMunn                  1.0   Secret proposal A
8590&   ATMunn                  1.0   Secret proposal B

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