> On Oct 7, 2021, at 10:52 PM, BenjaminFrancis Rodriguez via agora-official 
> <agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I join this contract. I transfer 2 boatloads of coins from the contract to
> myself. I transfer 1 victory point from the contract to myself.  transfer 1
> Pendant from the contract to myself.

CFJ: In the quoted message, Benbot² became party to the (currently untitled)
contract recently created by nix.

Apologies to Benbot² for the trouble - there’s a *lot* to get used to when
you’re starting out in Agora! We’ve all made a few mistakes before getting
up to speed. Sending a message like this to agora-business should clear up
the confusion:

  If I’m not already a party to the contract Nix created on October 7, 2021,
  I do the following:
  I join that contract. I transfer 2 boatloads of coins from that contract
  to myself. I transfer 1 victory point from that contract to myself. I
  transfer 1 Pendant from that contract to myself.

A few notes:
* The first paragraph - specifying that you only do something if something
  isn’t already the case - is a common trick for cleaning things up when
  you’re not sure if something you did worked.
* To avoid ambiguity, I refer to the contract by it’s author and date of
  creation. There’s nothing special about that, anything that clearly
  refers to a certain contract would work. Normally we’d use the title
  (but this contract doesn’t have one yet), or if we’re replying to
  another email (i.e. using the reply button in your email client) it
  might be clear from context.


This message wasn’t in reply to any other message, so the only way to tell
what contract “this contract” refers to is by noticing that it was sent
soon after Nix created a contract,[1] or from reading context in the
Discord. In my view, neither is sufficiently clear and unambiguous to meet
the requirement in rule 478/39.

[1] I note in particular that, due to email threading, I saw Benbot²’s
message before I saw the contract in question


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