On Mon, 2022-02-28 at 07:52 +0100, nethack4.org dicebot via agora-
business wrote:
> The dice roll was: 123
> This is R2624, Card Administration.

For reference:
      Each of the following Ministries has a Grant, listed below.
      Ministry of Compliance: 1 Justice Card
      Ministry of Legislation: 1 Legislative Card
      Ministry of Participation: 1 Voting Card
      Ministry of Legacy: 1 Winsome
      A player CAN once a month grant eir Ministry Focus' Grant to a
      specified player by announcement.
      The Ministor CAN, once a month and by announcement, and SHALL, in
      a timely manner from the beginning of the month, grant 1 Win Card
      to a random player whose Ministry Focus is Legacy .

Any suggestions?

Mad Engineer

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