On 4/18/22 12:32, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> Two times, I Mint a Stamp, pursuant to the contract "Stamp Servitude". 
> (Madrid is the Other.)
> (To Mint a Stamp is to perform the following sequence of actions:
> - Transfer 3 Boatloads of Coins from yourself to the Other.
> - Act on behalf of the Other to have the Other pay 3 Boatloads of Coins to
> create 1 Stamp of the Other's Type.
> - Act on behalf of the Other to have the Other transfer 1 Stamp of the
> Other's Type to yourself.)
> I transfer two Stamps of type Madrid to nix.
> --
> secretsnail

Twice I pay 3 boatloads of coins to grant myself 1 Stamp of my own type.

I transfer 2 nix stamps to secretsnail.

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