I submit the following proposal:
Title: Codify Conditionality
AI: 3
Author: G.
Coauthors: Janet, Murphy

[Since a recent win was performed with a slightly-complex conditional
action, there has been discussion in DIS and on discord about
codifying conditional actions.  There is much debate and difference of
approach in the Discord discussion, but it would be good not to stall
out.  This paragraph is intended to essentially change no mechanics,
and legislatively codify our current common-law precedent - thus
acknowledging that conditionals exist at least, which can be changed
in later proposals].

Amend Rule 2518 (Determinacy) by appending the following paragraph:
      A communication purporting to express conditional intent to
      perform an action is considered unclear and ambiguous unless, at a
      minimum, the conditional is determinate, true, and reasonably
      straightforward to evaluate with publicly-available information at
      the time of communication. The communicator SHOULD explain
      specific reasons for being uncertain of the outcome when e makes
      the communication.


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