I transfer 1 R.Lee stamp to Murphy.

I take the promise "Renewable Stamps for Stamps" (copied below) from the
library and cash it.

The promise in question reads:
"Renewable Stamps for Stamps" created by Murphy
Bearer: the library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has granted or transferred to me a Stamp
of a type that I didn't already own earlier in the same message as they
cash in this promise, and e has not cashed any other promise in between,
and I will still own that type immediately after this message, and I
have at least one Stamp of type Murphy.

I transfer one Stamp of type Murphy to the person specified by the
bearer (or to the bearer if no specification is provided, then create a
copy of this promise and transfer it to the Library.

I wield the Hot Potato stone, specifying Yachay. (E receives the stone and
I gain 8 radiance.)

I deactivate myself.

I win by paying a fee of 10 stamps, those stamps being 1 stamp each of the
following types:
R. Lee
Vitor Gonçalves

I activate myself.

I envision a dream of wealth.

I transfer 3 snail stamps to Yachay.

I'd still like to be a judge for CFJs.

Thanks to everyone whose stamps I've ever gotten!

Please note that my contract "Snail's stamp club" has now entered its
second phase, and cannot be joined. I ask all parties (just Yachay) to use
their snailbucks as soon as it is possible, so I can be free of the
contract, which should hopefully only take 2 weeks.


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