On 4/6/23 10:34, nix via agora-business wrote:
Title: Stones v2
AI: 2
Author: nix
Co-Authors: 4st, Janet
I withdraw the above proposal.

I submit the following proposal:

Title: Gathering Stone Power v3
AI: 2
Author: nix
Co-Authors: 4st, Janet

[This proposal simplifies and overhauls stones. Players have Gathering
Power, which goes up by 1 every week (+1 more for Garden Dreamers). At
4 Gathering Power, a player can grab a stone from Agora. Stones are
overdue if they have been away from Agora for 8-X weeks, where X is
smoothness. The Stonemason collects overdue stones once a month.]

v2 changes:
- fix typo from 'decreased by 1' to 'decreased by 4'.
v3 changes:
- reintroduce hot (almost got rid of frequencies by accident, ty 4st)
- method to collect (oops, ty 4st)

[Remove mossiness and slipperiness. These aren't used in the
new system.]

Amend R2640 by removing:

      Mossiness is a Stone switch with values of non-negative integers
      and a default of 0 tracked by the Stonemason. When a stone is
      transferred from Agora to a player or from a player to Agora, its
      Mossiness is set to 0. The mossiest stone(s) in a set of stone is
      (are) the stone(s) with the highest Mossiness value.

      The Slipperiness of a stone is that stone's smoothness plus its

[Allow freely transferring hot stones, since that's not particularly
exploitable in this paradigm.]

Amend R2641 by removing "or to transfer it by announcement".

[Now stones are gathered by having 4+ Gathering Power. Gathering Power
goes up weekly.]

Amend R2642 to read in full:

      Gathering Power is an active player switch, with values of
      positive integers and defaulting to 0, tracked by the Stonemason.

      At the beginning of each week, every active player's Gathering
      Power is increased by 1.

      A player with Gathering Power of 4 or more CAN, by announcement,
      transfer any stone from Agora to emself. When e does so, eir
      Gathering Power is decreased by 4.

Amend R2675 by replacing:

      - Gardens: Immediately after a wandering, the Base Rockiness of
        each Gardens Dreamer is increased by 1.


      - Gardens: Immediately after a wandering, the Gathering Power of
        each Gardens Dreamer is increased by 1.

Amend R2499 by adding, after the bulleted list:

      When a player receives a Welcome Package, set eir Gathering Power
      to 4.

[Collection is now just on a timer, no more randomness.]

Amend R2643 to read in full:

      A stone that has not been owned by Agora in the last 8-X weeks,
      where X is its smoothness, is overdue.

      Once a month, the Stonemason CAN "collect" all non-immune overdue
      stones by announcement. E SHALL do so in a timely fashion after
      the start of the month. When e does so, they are transferred to

Enact a new, P=2 rule titled "Stone Keywords":

      A stone is "immune" if (and only if) it has been granted immunity
      since the last time the Stonemason collected stones or it is owned
      by Agora. Granting immunity is secured.

      To "drop" a stone is to transfer it to Agora.

[Finally, some stone changes. Cairn to replace Anti-Equatorial, Toggle
and Distracting to play with the new mechanics.]

Amend R2645 by removing:

      - Anti-Equatorial Stone (Monthly, 5): When wielded, the mossiest
        non-immune stone is transferred to the wielder. If more than one
        such stone is tied for mossiest, a specified one is transferred.
        When this happens, the Anti-Equatorial Stone's mossiness is
        incremented by 1.

and appending (to the end):

      - Cairn Stone (Monthly, 3): When wielded, two specified stones
        owned by the wielder are dropped, and one specified non-immune
        stone is transferred to the wielder.

      - Toggle Stone (Monthly, 6): When wielded, a specified stone is
        dropped then transferred back to its owner, and then this stone
        is dropped.

      - Distracting Stone (Weekly, 4): When wielded, reduce the
        Gathering Power of the wielder and a specified player by X,
        where X is a specified positive integer equal to or less than
        the wielder's current Gathering Power.

Collector, Herald

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