> On Jun 25, 2023, at 11:20 AM, Kerim Aydin via agora-business 
> <agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I object.  I don’t think this fixes the issue that nix is fixed as
> surveyor, has abandoned the tournament, and can’t be replaced? Apologies if
> I missed something on that but.

I don't think we need a surveryor mechanically, so this is fine. Though we 
should probably have one just to make things easier. Someone could just step up 
and declare themselves the surveyor, and post the rest of the reports, or we 
could split the effort.

I'll just make it so surveyor can be assumed by announcement (and thus its 

I intend, without objection, to ratify the following document, which
contains incorrect information, in order to fix the commune tournament:
On Wednesday, April 19th, 2023, at 20:28:35 UTC, there existed only one
tournament, "Commune 2023", which had the following set of regulations:
Regulation FT0/0
Commune 2023

     Name: Commune v1.3


     This tournament is a self-contained game inspired by Acquire where
     players build communities on a board, invest in those communities,
     and gain rewards when communities they invested in are absorbed by
     other communities.


     Any player CAN become a participant of this Tournament at any time
     during its play by announcement.

     Any participant CAN cease to be so by announcement. A participant
     of this tournament ceases to be so when e becomes inactive in
     Agora. When a person ceases to be a participant, all assets e owns
     defined by this Tournament are destroyed.

     The Surveyor is initially the Gamemaster for this tournament. Any player 
CAN become the Surveyor by announcement.

     Gaining Tokens

     A Token is an asset ownable by participants only. Tokens CANNOT be
     transferred or destroyed except as otherwise allowed by this
     Tournament.  Each Token has a corresponding Symbol which can be
     any English letter A-J or any integer 0-9. Tokens owned by the
     same player with the same Symbol are fungible.

     Each participant has a Left, Middle, and a Right Token
     Constructor. By default, Token Constructors are set to construct

     For each of eir Token Constructors, players CAN once a week do one
     of the following by announcement:
     - Begin Constructing a Token with a specified Symbol.
     - Grant emself the Token that the Token Constructor is already
       constructing (if not set to nothing).

     The playboard

     The playboard is a grid of size 10 x 10. The x coordinates of the
     playboard are identified by English letters A-J, and the Y
     coordinates of the playboard are identified by integers [0-9].

     Adjacency is defined by being at the same cordinate on one axis,
     and exactly one coordinate away on the other axis.

     An example visualization of the initial playboard is below:

        A B C D E F G H I J
     0|x x x x x x x x x x|0
     1|x x x x x x x x x x|1
     2|x x x x x x x x x x|2
     3|x x x x x x x x x x|3
     4|x x x x x x x x x x|4
     5|x x x x x x x x x x|5
     6|x x x x x x x x x x|6
     7|x x x x x x x x x x|7
     8|x x x x x x x x x x|7
     9|x x x x x x x x x x|9
        A B C D E F G H I J

     Placing Tiles and Founding Communities

     If a tile has not been placed on a location on the board, it is

     Participants CAN place a tile on an empty location by paying one
     letter token and one number token that correspond to that
     location's coordinates.

     If a tile is placed that is not adjacent to any tiles belonging to
     any communities, the player that placed it founds a new community,
     e is granted 1 investment for that community, and e becomes its
     founder. The placed tile then begins belonging to the newly founded
community. E CAN and SHOULD name the community after any color that
     starts with a different first letter than any existing community
     by announcement. If a community has not been named, the Surveyor
     CAN and SHALL do so by announcement.

     A player who is the founder of an existing community CANNOT place
     a tile that would found a new community.

     If a tile is placed adjacent to one or more tiles belonging to a
     single community, that tile belongs to that community.

     If a tile is placed adjacent to two or more tiles belonging to
     different communities, a merger happens.

     When a merger happens, if a single community involved in the
     merger has more tiles than each other community, that community is
     the acquiring community. If there is a tie, the tied community
     that gained a tile least recently is the acquiring community. The
     other communities are the acquired communities. All tiles
     belonging to the acquired communities cease to belong to them and
     begin to belong to the acquiring community, and then the placed tile
begins to belong to the acquiring community.  Each player gains X
     (rounded down) Accolades for each acquired community e had an
     investment in, where X is the total tiles that belonged to that
     community immediately before the merger divided by the total
     number of investments that exist for that community and times the
     number of investments for that community that player owns. The
     acquired communities and all investments in all acquired
     communities are destroyed.


     An Investment is an asset. Investments CANNOT be transferred or
     destroyed except as otherwise allowed by this tournament. Each
     Investment corresponds with a Community. The investment limit is
     the current number of communities.

     Once per week a participant with less investments than the
     investment limit CAN grant emself an investment in any specified
     community by announcement.

     Participants CANNOT gain an investment when they are at the
     investment limit.


     A participant can make a Trade Offer by announcement, specifying a
     token e owns, a set of symbols e wants, and, optionally, a set of
     participants allowed to accept the offer (defaulting to all
     participants if not specified).

     If a participant ceases to have any tokens matching a Trade Offer
     e made, the trade offer is withdrawn. Any participant can withdraw
     any trade offer e has made at any time by announcement.

     If a participant is in the set of participants allowed by a
     non-withdrawn trade offer and has a token matching the wanted set,
     e CAN accept that offer by announcement and specifying the
     corresponding token. When e does so, the token specified in the
     Offer is transferred to em, and the token e specified is
     transferred to the participant that made the trade offer.


     The Surveyor SHALL once a week publish an updated playboard, a
     list of all participants and all eir assets defined by this
     tournament, and a list of all communities and their number of
     tiles. E SHOULD include a history of moves made by players as

     Ending and Winning

     Accolades are a currency. Accolades CANNOT be transferred or
     destroyed except as otherwise allowed by this tournament.

     When more than 50 of the tiles belong to a single community, the
     tournament ends.

     If it has been 3 months since the tournament started, the
     tournament ends.

     Immediately before the tournament ends, the participant with the
     greatest number of accolades wins.


     If any asset defined by this tournament would ever belong to
     Agora, a deregistered person, a deactivated player, the L&FD, or
     be in abeyance, it is instead destroyed.


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