(this should make it so if I were to win the tourney, then I've sold my
soul, and if I hadn't won the tourney, tough luck. I think I'm winning the
tourney tho, at least?)

I create the following promise ("Exorcism") in the library:
Cashing Condition: 4st has 0 blots, a promise with this text has not been
cashed by the bearer prior, the bearer has expunged a blot from 4st in the
past week, and 4st has won in the past week.

Effect: Create a promise ("4st's Horcrux") in the possession of the bearer
with the text:
4st transfers any asset e owns to the bearer.
If less than 5 promises "4st's soul" exist, create a promise with this text
in the library.


Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

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