I shred Wonderland, and recreate it as follows:
The Red Queen is 4st, who tracks Wonderland. The Red Queen can shred this
contract at any time (in order to make a new one). This contract can be
modified by majority.

Any player can join Wonderland. Players cannot leave Wonderland except by
Death. Players can die at any time.

==The Experiment==
Wonderland has any state described by members of its contract.

The following happens in Wonderland...
1. Players exist in Wonderland, and they start with hats!
2. UNDEFINED spreads its dark tendrils into Wonderland.

Wonderland State:
=== State of Wonderland===
The Red Queen is wearing a crown.
juan's hat is on the floor.
UNDEFINED is lurking, somewhere. Who knows if it's here specifically?
Janet's hat is said to not being worn, and is thus presumably lost.

===History of Wonderland===
December 21st, 2023: UNDEFINED enters Wonderland.
According to a scroll dated November 8th, 2023:
UNDEFINED is currently at large and uncontained
We have these reports:
"I have nothing. It keeps taxing me. It just won't stop collecting taxes.
After I've given everything, it finds more to take! WHY ME?!"
"it's completely invisbilitated. That really should be against the law.
Maybe that law is invisbilitated? UGH SUCH A MESS!"
"At least it's not an instrument! I think. Uhm..."

Theorized Description:
Having escaped containment, UNDEFINED is capable of doing or being
anything, or anyone! Trust no one.

8th November 2023 - UNDEFINED remains at large. Casualties unknown. No
containment procedures have been enacted.
9th July 2023 - Security Breach Discovered - UNDEFINED evaded any sort of
containment protocol initiated on 24th June 2023 on 26th June 2023.
6th July 2023 - Additional Containment Protocol submitted.
24th June 2023 - UNDEFINED submitted for containment.

December 21st, 2023: The Red Queen notices her subjects,
The Red Queen notices her subjects, aimlessly putting about. According to a
scroll, on November 8th, 2023, a Mad Hatter recently proclaimed that a few
folks were wearing hats:
Gaelan is wearing a giant question mark as a hat.
Murphy is wearing history itself as a hat.
Janet is wearing a pointy purple witch hat.
cuddlybanana is wearing a banana hat.
snail is wearing the helix fossil as a hat.
juan is wearing the entrance gates of Agora as a hat.
Aris is wearing a hat.
4st is wearing the number 4 as a hat.
Yachay Wayllukuq is wearing a regular old ghost as a hat.
blob is wearing emself as a hat.
Anneke-Constantine is wearing the movie Constantine as a hat.
kiako is wearing a different hat.
Kate is wearing Beatrice (bird form) as a hat.
Zipzap is wearing a zipper as a hat.
nix is wearing anarchy as a hat.
omd is wearing this report as a hat.
innalienableWright is wearing as a hat.
beokirby is wearing the same hat.
However, it was noted that Janet was NOT wearing a hat. Players have hats,
however... so the question remains: where is Janet's hat?
Whether the other player's hats are being worn, or if they are even as the
Mad Hatter proclaimeth, remains to be seen as well, but presumably, they
all have hats, and a natural place to have them would be to be wearing
them. And Janet would naturally like to have her hands free, so would she
be holding her hat? Probably not! Thus, it is probably lost.
However, there are definitive discrepancies:
- 4st, as the Red Queen, naturally wears a crown, not a number 4. Off with
the Mad Hatter's head, I say, for proclaiming such false lies.
- juan was clearly not wearing a hat, as eir hat was on the floor. With
regard to the kind of hat... that remains a mystery.

June 21st, 2023:
Contains 4st (The Red Queen).
juan's hat is on the floor.

(Shredding and recreating Wonderland kicks juan out of Wonderland.)

Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

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