I submit the following proposal:

Title: The Stamp Raffle
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: snail

Amend Rule 2659 (Stamps) by replacing "Stamps are a category of asset
ownable by players." with "Stamps are a category of asset ownable by
players and Agora.".

Enact a new rule with title "The Stamp Raffle" and the following text:

Once per week, each player CAN enter the raffle by paying a fee of 1 stamp
of eir own type to Agora.

Once each week, the Collector CAN and SHALL publish a Raffle Result by
announcement, containing a list of players that entered the raffle in the
previous week (the participants of the raffle) and the selection of a
random player from that list (the winner of the raffle) if it is not empty.

When a Raffle Result is published, each stamp that was owned by Agora at
the start of the current week is transferred to the winner of the raffle
(if there is one), and each participant of the raffle gains 1 radiance.


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