On 2/25/24 18:32, secretsnail9 via agora-official wrote:
> Radiances as of 23:31:00 UTC, 25 Feb 2024:
> -----  --------  --------  ----------
> 1st    JWN       055       +4
> 2nd    SNL       052       +11
> 3rd    AIS       028       +1
> 4th    MCY       022
> 5th    MUR       017       +1
>        BEN       016
> 7th    JNT       009
>        KIA       009       +9
> 9th    ARI       001
>        YCY       001
>        BEO       001
>        BLB       001
>        CBN       001
>        IWR       001
>        ANK       001
>        MLN       001       +1
> 17th   4ST      -001
> All other radiances are zero.
> [0] 4st = 4ST; Janet = JNT; Murphy = MUR; ais523 = AIS;
> cuddlybanana = CBN; juan = JWN; snail = SNL; Aris = ARI;
> Yachay = YCY; beokirby = BEO; blob = BLB;
> inalienableWright = IWR; Anneke-Constantine = ANK;
> Mercury = MCY; Ben = BEN; Maloney = MLN; kiako = KIA;
> [1] Since last official report.
> If you'd like to change your three letter name, please let the Illuminator
> know.
> Events Since Last Report
> ------------------------
> 2024-02-12: snail, ais523, Maloney, kiako, Murphy gain 1 (raffle)
> 2024-02-18: kiako gains 8 (hot potato stone)
> 2024-02-19: juan gains 4 (sharing dream)
> 2024-02-19: snail gains 4 (sharing dream)
> 2024-02-19: snail gains 3 (radiance stone)
> 2024-02-25: snail gains 3 (radiance stone)

This was inaccurate (reflecting two Radiance Stone wields in the same
week), but has since self-ratified.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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