On or about 3/16/2024, nix via agora-business wrote:
CFJ: Agora owns at least 1 stamp

Earlier this week, Mercury attempted to pay a fee of a stamp to Agora to
join the raffle, as described in R2687.

However, stamps aren't ownable by Agora. Their definition only lists
players (R2659). R2576 also allows them (and every asset), to be owned
by the L&FD.

I believe that Mercury stamp is either still in Mercury's possession, or
the L&FD. And I believe the raffle just doesn't work correctly.

As Arbitor, I number this CFJ 4074. I assign CFJ 4074 to kiako.

I judge CFJ 4074 TRUE by precedent of CFJ 3665 (brought to my attention by Janet—thanks.)

I find "can be owned" and "ownable" to be all but indistinguishable phrases, and I believe that it is HEALTHY for Agora to have multiple simple phrases that can be understood as meaning the expansive case, i.e., "ownable by X entities in addition to those entities that can own this asset by default."

Furthermore, it would be very easy to make the restrictive case apparent through use of, e.g., "ownable exclusively" in place of "ownable".



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