On Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 12:52 AM Janet Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 6/4/24 07:20, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> > I pay 5 spendies to transfer the power stone to myself.
> This fails. The Stone Cost of the Power Stone was 6 spendies at the time.

This is incorrect. The stone cost of the power stone seems to be
erroneously increased in the stonemason's history: nix transferred the
stone to emself for 5 spendies on the the 27th of May, and that was the
only time the stone was transferred that week, so the stone cost should
have neither increased or decreased.

> > I notice the rock garden, specifying myself.
> This fails. Regardless of the number of stones owned, this was dated
> 2024-06-04 11:20:01 UTC, less than 30 days after ais523's win by
> Noticing at 2024-05-05 22:25:29.

CFJ: snail won by noticing the rock garden in the past 30 days.

Arguments for TRUE:


The relevant clause of the Rule 2644 (Zen Gardening) is below.

    "  provided that no person has won the game by doing so in the past 30
days. "

>From Rule 1023 (Agoran Time): "Agoran days begin at midnight UTC."

>From the time of snail's purported win, counting the "past days" gives 4 in
June (The 4th through the 1st) and 26 in May (The 31st through the 6th),
for a total of 30 past days.

Including the 5th, the day of ais523's stone win, would make the total 31
past days. which is not what the rule says.

(Also note that including the day of the purported win as a "past day" is
obviously what is meant by the rule, as otherwise you could win as many
times as you'd like.)


Apparently there's some confusion as to what's meant here, so we should
probably clarify and adjust the rules however the case is judged.


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