On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 14:16 -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-business
> I create the following promise, titled "The Crass is Creener", and
> transfer it to Mischief:
> {
> Cashing condition: Immediately before cashing this promise, Mischief
> transferred 2 spendies to Murphy.
> I transfer 1 Murphy stamp to Mischief.
> }

I grant Mischief a promise with the following text:
Cashing conditions: In the same message in which e cashes this promise,
the casher transfers 1 Mischief stamp and 7 Spendies to ais523, and no
other promises authored by ais523 are cashed in the same message.

Expiration conditions: It is 15 July 2024 or later.

I transfer 2 Madrid stamps to the casher.


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