I submit the following proposal:

Title: Single resolution

Author: Janet


Adoption index: 3.0


Amend Rule 2124 by replacing the text from "A rule purporting to allow"
to "With T notice: e is the sponsor of a ripe intent created at least T
ago." (inclusive on both ends) with the following:


A rule purporting to allow a person to perform a tabled action allows em
to do so by announcement, indicating an intent for that action/method,
provided such action has never before been performed with respect to
that intent, and if that intent is:

* With N support: that intent is ripe, e is a sponsor or supporter of
it, and it has at least N supporters.

* Without N objections: that intent is mature and ripe, e is a sponsor
of it, and it has less than N objectors.

* With N Agoran consent: that intent is mature and ripe, e is a sponsor
or supporter of it, and it has at least N times as many supporters as it
has objectors (in which case e SHOULD list its supporters and objectors).

* With T notice: that intent is ripe, was created at least T ago, e is a
sponsor of it.


[Prohibit resolving the same intent twice. As a side effect, this
requires resolutions of tabled actions to "indicate" (intended to be
weaker than "specify" so that just quoting an intent without actually
referencing it counts) the intent that is being resolved, so that only
that one intent is invalidated.]


Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor

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