Title: Erosion in Geological Rhyme
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: Kate

Consider each player with one or more stones;
  Take the sum of the Costs of the stones that e owns.
And then, to compense for lost ius utendi,
  That number of times, grant that player a Spendie.

Now, for each person who, from 2020,
  Has owned any stones (even one would be plenty),
In light of the long tradition Stones had
  Grant em this Patent Title: "Stone Badge".

And whereas this Proposal seeks to insist
  On the notion that stones will no longer exist,
  Repeal (in order) the following list.
That's Rules 2640 and 2641,
  2642, 2644 (43's already gone), 
  And then 2645, the last to be done.


I doubt this proposal will pass now and here,
  But I hope to rhetorically make my point clear.
The stone rules' complexity's always been high;
  Few players to learn have been willing to try.

The most obvious problem's the tracking vocation:
  We simply can't seem to retain a Stonemason.
Janet once held it, for quite a long time,
  But felt that the load was too high and resigned.

Relying on em was unfair, e expressed.
  'Twas frustrating that others showed no interest.
  (E already does too much work, I suggest.)
E doubted another'd take over, and lo!
  Another report did not therefrom follow.
  And in the months since, not a one did up-show.

Without a Stonemason, complexity's worse.
  Work multiplies like a terrible curse.
Now, as well as the rules, we must also know what
  The Stonemason should track, but right now does not.

We selected a victim by random sortition,
  But e failed to manage, despite a petition.
To be clear, e tried! I don't allocate blame.
  But now e's resigned too, the position's the same.

If none of us can the records sustain,
  Then I think it would be a mistake to retain
  A system that's such a great chore to maintain.
So unless the subgame can be fixed at its bones
  I plead with you all to take heed of my moans
  And bring to a close the Era of Stones.


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