Ed Murphy wrote:

What does that expand to?

>      The Clerk of the Courts may, without objection, unlink one or
>      more of the linked CFJs from the others by announcement.  If e
>      unlinks more than one as a set, then those CFJs remain linked
>      to each other.

There are interacting time limits here.  Taking an action Without
Objection takes at least four days, and the Judge has to be assigned
within a week.  What if the CotC is away for three days?

"Without Objection" and "Linked CFJs" should be capitalised.

If the restriction on Barring passes -- it's the obvious fix -- then
there's no need for preemptive unlinking.  Unlinking is a matter to be
decided on the content of the CFJs, so I think that's better left to a
Judge rather than the CotC.


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