I have a concept for real-life national law, which I think would work well
in nomic too.  The idea is that, based on the principle that no society
can morally bind its successors, laws should not automatically last
more than a generation.  Thus every law should expire twenty years after
enactment, unless extended by a positive legislative act.  Extending a law
for another twenty years would be a much simpler process than enacting
it again from scratch, of course, provided that it's uncontroversial.
So there wouldn't be any fuss about continuing the law against murder,
but a law banning demonstrations in certain places would have a harder
time of being extended for another generation.

In Agora the effective generation length is much shorter, perhaps two
years.  I envision recording an expiry date for each Rule, which would
be published in the Rulesets.  Extension of the expiry date for a Rule
would be by a vote resembling a Proposal, possibly actually a Proposal.

Interested?  If so, I'll draft a proto-Proposal.


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