Zefram wrote:
Strictly, what we want for the case of zero AGAINST votes and more than
zero FOR votes is the limit of 1/n as n approaches zero from above.
I think that's aleph-0, but I'm not 100% sure.  This does seem to match
your definition of an infinite hyperreal.

Applying the same logic to the case of zero votes both ways, we could
reasonably pick either the limit of n/n as n approaches zero, which is 1,
or the limit of 0/n as n approaches zero, which is 0.  The present Rule
chooses the latter of these.

Life would be a lot simpler if we dispensed with ratios entirely, and framed AIs in terms of differences. An AI=n might require that the number of FORs exceed the number of AGAINSTs by n. If we were worried about this making things too easy (particularly if we ever had a larger population), we could make the formula

  n * ceil(numplayers / 10)

(with ceil the ceiling or "round-up" function).


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