Benjamin Schultz wrote:
>I DISMISS CFJ 1614.  The status of Zefram being an avocado -- indeed,  
>of any player being any type of foodstuff -- is not relevant to the  

This judgement is a judicial admission that personhood is not
restricted to members of Homo sapiens, but extends at least as far as
Persea americana.  Taking the obiter dictum "any type of foodstuff"
at face value suggests that natural personhood is available to (but not
necessarily automatic for) all members of the kingdoms Plantae, Fungi,
Animalia, and possibly Protista.

While this is good for the principle of non-discrimination, it is
disappointing that it preemptively resolves the question of whether Goethe
can remain a player after having been rendered legally a banana by one
interpretation of proposal 4904, and thus renders 4904 ineffective in
determining the behaviour of legal fictions.


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