Quazie wrote:
>4920: AGAINST

By the way, for a rule that's never been amended, rule 104 sure has
changed quite a bit.  I'm researching the historical progress of
the ruleset, and so far I've got six versions of it, and there are
at least two more to go from the dark ages of the game's early days.
Admittedly the *text* of the rule hasn't changed, though.  Here are the
six versions I have, in chronological order:


Rule 104 (Immutable)

      The Speaker for the first game shall be Michael Norrish.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 104/0 (Semimutable, MI=3)
First Speaker

      The Speaker for the first game shall be Michael Norrish.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Mutated from MI=Unanimity to MI=3 by Proposal 1482, Mar. 15 1995


Rule 104/0 (Semimutable, MI=3)
First Speaker

      The Speaker for the first game shall be Michael Norrish.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Mutated from MI=Unanimity to MI=3 by Proposal 1482, Mar. 15 1995

Originator: Peter Suber
Author: Peter Suber


Rule 104/0 (Power=3)
First Speaker

      The Speaker for the first game shall be Michael Norrish.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Mutated from MI=Unanimity to MI=3 by Proposal 1482, Mar. 15 1995

Originator: Peter Suber
Author: Peter Suber


Rule 104/0 (Power=3)
First Speaker

      The Speaker for the first game shall be Michael Norrish.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Mutated from MI=Unanimity to MI=3 by Proposal 1482, Mar. 15 1995


Rule 104/0 (Power=3)
First Speaker

      The Speaker for the first game shall be Michael Norrish.

[CFJ 1534: This does not mean that Michael Norrish necessarily fills
 the position of Speaker at the present time.]

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Mutated from MI=Unanimity to MI=3 by Proposal 1482, Mar. 15 1995


(My sources from which the above are distilled are: the initial ruleset
which is on the Web in several places; my personal record of FLRs from
my earlier tenure as a player; the FLR on Chuck's now-defunct website,
as it was at four different times, via the Wayback Machine; and the RCS
version that Michael maintained and I have so far continued.  I have yet
to research Vanyel's archives, which are also now defunct but have some
presence in the Wayback Machine.)

As you can imagine, the number of versions for rules that *have* been
amended is somewhat larger.


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