Maud wrote:
> This is too much.

Fair enough.  But the point was, when Zefram and I were looking at if
we could block Murphy et al.'s proposal, we noticed that a CotC could
legally mint an unbounded number of VCs, by an as-long-as-you-want
list of linked, trivial CFJs.  Instant, overpowering voting, worse
than the Oligarch proposal itself.  In this case, we used it to:

1.  counteract Murphy et al's voting power and no more, in fact, it may
    not be enough to stop that proposal!

2.  point out the issue (I have a draft bug fix, capping linked CFJ VCs
    the same way linked CFJ card draws were capped);

3.  Actually call non-trivial CFJs that were an issue for both of
    us (mine, while needing an edit, were getting at the link between
    prohibited and illegal that I've often pondered, 
    Zefram's were a set of concerns e had
    as rulekeepor.  We actually challenged ourselves to judge some
    non-trivial CFJs in an intelligent way in a short amount of time
    (I feel like we did).

I am sorry I offended.  I thought pointing out a bug by acting on
it in a restrained way was standard practice.


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