On Apr 29, 2007, at 7:05 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

CFJ 1631 callied by Murphy:

       comex registered on or about Sat, 28 Apr 2007 22:00:01 -0400.

is hereby assigned to OscarMeyr.

Caller's arguments:

On or about the time in question, comex sent a message to agora- business
with subject "I register" and blank body.  comex was permitted to
register by Rule 869, and not prohibited from registering by any rule,
so this CFJ hinges on whether attempted actions within the subject of a
message are effective.


I proto-judge FALSE. Agoran custom, as I understand it, is that a public announcement happens in the message body. The message body was blank, so there is no action taking place. (Had comex simply said "hi" in the message body, I would've taken that as at least SOME indication of a clear intent to register.)
Benjamin Schultz KE3OM

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