Taral wrote:
>Any suggestions on wording?

I think your explanation was much clearer:

>               at any point, the voting limit is one less than it
>would be if the voter was not a natural person.

We've used such forms of wording in the rules before.  Adjusting slightly,
I suggest the following paragraph for your rule:

      The voting limit of an eligible voter who is not a natural person
      is always one less than it would otherwise be.

There's also an alternative construction that avoids this entirely.
The VLDP paragraph would be

      The voting limit of an eligible voter on a democratic proposal is
      one if the voter is a natural person or zero otherwise, and cannot
      be changed.

Then for VLOP define a "default VLOP" the same way as VLDP is defined, and
wherever VLOP is currently set to one instead set it to the default VLOP.

Another refinement: you might want to make non-natural persons not be
eligible voters on democratic proposals, rather than eligible with a limit
of zero.  Not sure whether it makes any difference, though, and it's a
more complicated change, so I suggest leaving that for the time being.


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