On 5/13/07, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sure, I'm not married to the term. Please forgive my newness and
unfamiliarity with Agoran history. I figured I wasn't the first to propose
currency in this Nomic, but I honestly don't know how it has been done

I'm not complaining about your newness or unfamiliarity with Agoran
history.  I just thought you should be aware of the other meaning
(Claim of Error) before deciding what term to use.

It's not something that is likely to kill the proposal.

As for the history of currency, we used to have several official
currencies, used to pay for voting, submitting proposals, increasing
the priority of proposals, purchasing forgiveness, and so on.
Additionally, players could mint their own currencies.  In case you're
interested, here is the Schedule of Currencies from one of my reports
as Chancellor:

Schedule of currencies

Name       | Mintor | Recordkeepor     | MUQ  | Basic?...Since
Indulgence | Bank   | Herald           | 0.10 | No     |
+VT        |  "     | Accountor        | 0.01 | Yes    | 27 Aug 1999
-VT        |  "     |  "               | 0.01 | Yes    | 27 Aug 1999
P-Note     |  "     | Promotor         | 0.01 | Yes    | 27 Aug 1999
IAT        |  "     | Priest           | 0.01 | Yes    | 27 Aug 1999
Stem       |  "     | Payroll Clerk    | 1.00 | No     |
Iris       | OEE    | High Priest, OEE | 0.01 | No     |
Denaria    | AC[0]  | Elysion          | 1.00 | No     |
Twig       | Wes    | Wes              | 1.00 | No     |

[0]  Agoran Carnival

At the time that proposal was published, the VT Circulation Tax was
20% and the P-Note Circulation Tax was 50%.  I don't remember what
either of those mean.

One of the major problems with currencies was the concept of Payment
Order.  This was because we didn't have notions of either property or
debt.  Kelly introduced those concepts and fixed most of the problems
with currencies.  But property also brought its own problems, and we
eventually eliminated it too.

I suppose Agoran Dollars could be made Trinkets?

It's a possibility, but if you want to see Agoran Dollars in the
ruleset, you should go ahead and develop the proto your own way and at
your own pace.  I don't see myself proposing the Trinket proto until
switches are back in place, and I don't see myself proposing the
Switches proto until executors are back in place.  It does not look
like that will happen for at least five months.  So please, don't let
me stop you from proposing things.

C. Maud Image (Michael Slone)
That's scary.
               -- The Goddess Eris, in agora-discussion

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