comex wrote:
>1. No matter what passed or didn't pass, as long as some players
>announce that they become sitting down

We definitely don't have the concept of "sitting" at the moment, and
until voting results on P4965 are published.  At that point we acquire
the concept if the proposal passed and that was correctly announced.

>2. With less CFJs but questionable legality, I can depend on R2133,

R2133 only applies to a good-faith error.  Not applicable if you know
your assignments are likely to be in error.  It's a little help, though:
if you honestly think that things will resolve one particular way and
assign (and rotate) on that basis, the assignments stand even if things
work out otherwise (provided the assignees are, in the end, persons).

I think my CFJs 1668-1666 are the critical ones at the moment, as
they determine whether HP3-HP14 are distinct persons, which is what
determines the proposal outcomes (and has a big effect on the next
batches of proposals).  Who was unturned at the time they were called?
I think we've got almost no one left unturned.  R698 may come into play.


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