On Monday 18 June 2007, Ian Kelly wrote:
> Doesn't play nicely with Limited Partnerships, Take Fifteen, unless
> the Protectorate also happens to be a Partnership (in which case it
> allegedly can register anyway) -- both because it's not a Partnership
> itself and because it screws up the recursive definition of basis for
> Partnerships of which the Protectorate is a member.  It would be much
> more elegant to come up with a definition of Agreements / Partnerships
> such that Protectorates are naturally a subclass of Partnerships.
> That way, anything that applies to Partnerships automatically applies
> to Protectorates as well.

The point of this is to create a parallel method for non-natural persons to 
exist.  The influence of Agoran law on them is limited (R2147) but any 
four players can cause a Protectorate to be deregistered for 30 days 
(R869).  Of course this is completely pointless if CFJ 1687 is judged 

> That aside, it seems odd that a Protectorate could be registered by a
> set of two players who otherwise have nothing to do with that
> Protectorate.  Also, why only Protectorates?  If we're going to allow
> other nomics to register, we might as well let them register
> regardless of Protectorate status.

Good points, although I was hoping to skirt the hazy definition of a nomic 
and a player of a nomic.

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