On 6/20/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
By my count, seven out of ten natural-person players are currently
members of purportedly-registered partnerships.  A proposal opposing
the concept was rejected; a proposal supporting the concept was
adopted.  In short, most of us seem to /want/ 1622 and 1623 to win,
and surely that counts as "best interests of the game".

Again, that may be the interest of the majority of the players, but
the players are not the game.

If the judgement of CFJ 1684 is sustained, and registered partnerships
are retroactively invalidated (possibly allowed to register by Rule
2145), then what would happen?

   * All but the most recent proposals are protected by Rule 2034
   * Many judgements would be invalid and require reprocessing
       (non-trivial for any that were based on the truth of 1622/1623)
   * VLOPs would be higher because Human Point Two didn't win
   * I would still be Speaker; OscarMeyr (I think) would still be IADoP

None of which is damaging to the game.  On the other hand, I *do*
think that the existence of partnerships is damaging to the game.


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