Levi wrote:

      At the end of a proposal's voting period, each player who was
      the only player to cast a valid vote for a given option on it
      gains one Pink VC.

Not totally sure this is a good idea. I'd be voting FORx1 AGAINSTx1 PRESENTx1 on all Ordinary proposals, and the higher power proposals should probably be adopted/rejected based on merit rather than votes cast to win a VC.

I don't see that the latter is significantly different from votes
cast to deny the proposer an Orange VC (I think that was the color
Zefram proposed for the Zeitgeist concept).

But, I do like the idea of VCs that can be gained just through the voting process.

Maybe something like each player who cast a valid vote on a proposal that didn't reach quorum gets a VC would be a good idea? (either in addition to, or instead of this)

The old "penalize voter apathy" concept would fit here, too.

All this was really an afterthought to the "penalize excessive invalid
votes" concept; the initial title was "The Assessor Strikes Back".  :)

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