Ed Murphy wrote:
>I don't recall that offhand, and don't have time to run a full

I just looked it up, to borrow the wording, and the context (which I'd
forgotten) turns out to be a proposal to have fora tracked by the speaker.
That must have been just before you came up with truthiness.

New version:

proto-proposal: distributor as an office
AI: 3


[This proposal depends on proposal 5172.]

Murphy is a coauthor of this proposal.

Amend rule 478 by replacing the paragraphs

      Publicity is a forum switch with values Public, Discussion, and
      Null (default), tracked by the Registrar.

      The Registrar's report includes, for each forum with non-null
      publicity, sufficient instructions for players to receive
      messages there.


      The distributor is an office.

      Publicity is a forum switch with values Public, Discussion, and
      Null (default), tracked by the distributor in eir monthly
      report.  The distributor's monthly report includes, for each
      forum with non-null publicity, sufficient instructions for
      players to receive messages there.

      The distributor SHALL send eir monthly report to each forum with
      non-null publicity at least once each quarter.

and then replacing each remaining instance of "Registrar" with

[Tracking fora is a pretty distinct job from tracking players, and the
registrar has it only for historical reasons.  We've often formally
tracked a distributor, and it may as well be an office with the
obvious responsibility for fora.  The new bit about reporting to all
fora provides a regular test of the backup fora and ensures that
someone with out-of-date contact details will at least find out where
we really are.]

Install Goddess Eris as holder of the office of distributor.

[E in fact has this role currently.]

Amend rule 2162 by replacing "That officer's report" with "That
officer's report (weekly unless otherwise specified)".

[Additional option used by the new R478.]



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