Proto-Proposal:  Formalize judicial findings
(AI = 3, please)

Amend Rule 591 (Inquiry Cases) by appending this text:

      A judicial finding is a judgement of a question on veracity
      that is not appealed within the time limit for doing so, or
      that is sustained on appeal.

Amend Rule 1504 (Criminal Cases) by replacing this text:

      Some types of sentence include a duration known as the tariff.
      When a sentence with a tariff is in effect, the sentence is
      thereafter either active or not.  The sentence is inactive for
      the first week after it first takes effect.  Thereafter, the
      sentence is active if and only if it is still in effect and
      sentences of the same type on the same question on sentencing
      have been active for a total duration less than the tariff.  The
      CotC's report includes the status of all active sentences.

with this text:

      Some types of sentence include a duration known as the tariff.
      When a sentence with a tariff is in effect, the sentence is
      in progress while all of the following are true:

        a) The sentence first took effect at least one week earlier,
           and is still in effect.

        b) Sentences of the same type on the same question on sentencing
           have been in progress for a total duration less than the

      The CotC's report includes the status of all sentences in

and by replacing each other instance of "active" with "in progress".

Amend Rule 2126 (Voting Credits) by replacing "a sentence becomes
active" with "a sentence becomes in progress".

[Rule 2110 (Win by Paradox) should be revised to use this definition,
hence the request for AI = 3.]

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