Proto-Proposal: Quality Judge Assignment
Amend R1868 by replacing the fourth paragraph with:
Except where modified by other rules, the entities qualified to be
assigned as judge of a judicial case are those who share the highest
Quality value.  Being unqualified to be assigned as a judge does not
inherently prevent an entity from continuing to be judge if already

Remove the 5th & 6th paragraphs of R1868.

Repeal R1871.

Create a new rule titled "Judicial Quality" with the following text:
Quality is a Player index with a default value of 0. A Player MAY set
eir Quality to 0 by announcement.

Eagerness is a Player index with a value from 0 to 10, and a default
value of 0. A first-class Player MAY set eir Eagerness index to any
valid value by announcement.

The CotC's report includes the Quality and Eagerness of every player.

When the CotC assigns a Player as a judge of a judicial case, that
Player's Quality is reduced by 3, except as described in the next
paragraph. If this would cause that Player's Quality to be less than or equal to
0, each active Player's Quality is increased by eir Eagerness.

If the CotC assigns a Player consecutively to more than one judicial
case in the same announcements, and indicates in that announcement
that these are linked assignments, the Player's Quality is reduced by
2+N, where N is the number of consecutive cases they have just been
assigned to. If this would cause that Player's Quality to be less than
or equal to
0, each active Player's Quality is increased by eir Eagerness.

I the CotC assigns a Judicial Panel as a judge of a judicial case,
each Player who is a member of that panel has eir Quality reduced by
2. If this would cause any of those Player's Quality to be less than
or equal to 0, each active Player's Quality is increased by eir

When the CotC recuses a judge with cause, e MAY set that Player's
Eagerness to 0 and reduce eir Quality by an amount up to 20 by
announcement within one week.

A Judge who is a player and has been recused from a case (for any
reason) has their
Quality value reduced by 20 for the purposes of determining
eligibility of judges in that case.

A Player who is a member of a judicial panel that was recused from a
case (for any reason) has their Quality value reduced by 3 for the
purposes of determining eligibility of judges in that case.

Append to R2157:
The Quality of a Judicial Panel is the sum of the Quality of its members.

Amend R591 by replacing:
     The initiator is unqualified to be assigned as judge of the
     case, and in the initiating announcement e CAN disqualify one
     person from assignment as judge of the case.
For the purpose of determining judge eligibility for a specific
inquiry case, the Quality of the initiator of that case is reduced by
15. In the initiating announcement the initiator CAN specify one
person whose Quality is reduced by 10 for the purpose of determining
judge eligibility in that case.

Amend R1504 by replacing:
The initiator and defendant are each unqualified to be assigned
     as judge of the case.  During the pre-trial phase, the defendant
     CAN disqualify one person from assignment as judge of the case,
     by announcement.  If e disqualifies the judge, then the judge is
For the purpose of determining judge eligibility for a specific
criminal case, the Quality of the initiator is reduced by 10, and the
Quality of the defendant is reduced by 20. During the pre-trial phase,
the Defendant CAN name one person whose Quality is reduced by 10 for
the purpose of determining judge eligibility for that case.

Amend R2169 by replacing:
The parties to the contract are all unqualified to be assigned
     as judge of the case.
For the purpose of determining judge eligibility for a specific equity
case, the parties to the contract in that case have their Quality
reduced by 10 with the exception of the initiator who has eir quality
reduced by 15.

In R911 replace:
The entities qualified to be assigned as judge of an appeal case
     are the judicial panels consisting of three members, where each
     of the members is qualified to be assigned as judge of the prior
     case and none of the members is the prior judge.
The entities qualified to be assigned as a judge of an appeal case are
the judicial panels consisting of three members whose share the
highest Quality value. For the purposes of determining judge
eligibility in appeal cases:
* The prior judge of the case has eir Quality reduced by 20.
* The Player who called for appeal has eir Quality reduced by 10.
* Any Player who supported or objected to the call for appeal has eir
Quality reduced by 5.

Amend R2126 by adding to the list of ways Voting Credits may be spent
(after section e and before section z):
f) A Player MAY spend N+2 VCs of different colors to increase another
Player's Quality by N.

g) A Player MAY spend N+3 VCs of different colors to increase eir own
Quality by N.

h) A Player MAY spend N+1 VCs of different colors to decrease another
Player's Quality by N.


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