On Nov 30, 2007 12:37 PM, Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I spend R+G+B to increase Murphy's VVLOP by 2.
> I spend R+G+B to increase Murphy's VVLOP by 2.
> I spend R+G+B to increase Levi's VVLOP by 2.
> I spend R+G+B to increase Levi's VVLOP by 2.
> I spend R+G+B to increase OscarMeyr's VVLOP by 2.
> I spend R+G+B to increase BobTHJ's VVLOP by 2.

By the way, I selected those players by taking the voting records for
the last 33 proposals; determining for each player # times voted with
me - # times voted opposite me; and picking the top 4.  I plan to do
something similar next month using December's proposals, so anybody
who wants me to increase their VVLOP next month can encourage that by
voting the way I do.

In case anybody is interested, the full results follow.

      root 30
    Murphy 16
      Levi 12
 OscarMeyr 10
    BobTHJ 10
    Zefram  9
    Wooble  9
    Goethe  5
      Eris  4
     comex  1
     pikhq  0


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