On Thursday 06 December 2007 18:31:54 comex wrote:
> On Thursday 06 December 2007, Zefram wrote:
> > I'll just add to that that I have a small Perl program to do
> > ruleset-style paragraph filling for me.
> I've been meaning to start a thread about tools since I learned that pikhq 
> uses kmail.  pikhq,
> - Do you have full text indexing on? (I don't, because it slows everything 
> down dramatically.)
Nope; *really* slow with IMAP.
> - Do you ever find the need to revert to GMail for search?  (I do, kmail 
> search is way too slow, even with fulltext.)
I've yet to, but I can see the need for it.
> - Am I not the only one really annoyed that kmail can't sort threads by 
> last message date?
Not the only one.
> And for Zefram...
> - Do you use a script to generate your CotC messages?
> It's just something that I've been wondering. 
> And for everyone...
> - What do you use to edit/format rule text?
> It seems that Zefram, like me, has to pipe his rules through a formatter as 
> a postprocessing step, while root can use some emacs thing to write 
> natively in hardwrap mode. 
> - What about reading the ruleset?  Anything besides a standard browser?
> - How often do you use the CotC database?
Quite often: whenever I need to look at a CFJ.

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