On Tuesday 15 January 2008 16:49:50 comex wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2008 6:36 PM, Josiah Worcester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Left Hand votes for Cthulhu in the CotC election.
> >
> > "Why vote for the lesser of two evils? Cthulhu, 2008."
> As I am the only candidate whose nickname starts with "C", I interpret
> that as a vote for me.  Furthermore, I publically assign to myself the
> nickname Cthulhu.
> But I don't see how this bandying has anything to do with the office
> of CotC.  I feel obliged to ask why you are voting for Zefram, and how
> I may improve my campaign such that you do not.

Look at the first paragraph of your email again. How you may improve it? 
Sorry, you've already fucked it up horrendously.

The Left Hand retracts all its votes in the CotC election.
The Left Hand and I enter into the following contract:

   1) The Left Hand will not vote in the CotC election that was in progress
      when this contract was formed.

   2) If the Left Hand violates clause 1 of this contract, then it will
      retract all such votes before the end of the election in question.

I join the similar contract between Murphy and the AFO.

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