On Friday 25 January 2008 04:02:07 Ed Murphy wrote:
> Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=1882
> ==============================  CFJ 1882  ==============================
>      watcher is a Player
> ========================================================================
> Caller:                                 comex
> Judge:                                  woggle
> Judgement:
> ========================================================================
> History:
> Called by comex:                        25 Jan 2008 03:55:47 GMT
> Assigned to woggle:                     (as of this message)
> ========================================================================


There are two seperate issues here:
(1) Whether the entity with the e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(henceforth Pavitra) successfully registered;
(2) Whether watcher is a valid way of referring to em.

On issue (1):
The exact text of Pavitra's relevant announcement is:
I request to be registered as a "watcher".
If the above causes me to be registered as a player, then I switch my
posture to Leaning.


R869's define the verb "to be registered" and, since there is no other 
rule-recognized defintion, its definition should take precedence per R754. 
Thus, the message in fact announces in the R869 sense that Pavitra "requests 
registration", which is sufficient to cause Pavitra to become a player unless 
otherwise prohibited. All indications are that Pavitra is a first-class 
person, and there is no record of Pavitra being prohibited from registering 
by an active sentence of EXILE or by having deregistered by announcement in 
the past 30 days, thus this registration was effective.

There is some evidence that Pravita did not intend to become a player. This 
might be seen to create a R101 issue, since per R2171, the registration 
process is to preserve player's rights as if entering the rules were a 
binding agreement. Problematically, every relevant rule here takes precedence 
over R2171, so R2171's declaration cannot make ineffective R869's process for 
registration in spite of R101's requirement for "explicit and willful 
consent" to become party to a binding agreement. Ignoring R2171, the rules 
cannot constitute a binding agreement that is joined by becoming a player as 
they (as far as the rules themselves are concerned) are equally binding on 
players as non-players. (This is especially relevant in this case as Pravita 
is party to an R2145 agreement and thus was already subject to some 
obligations under the rules.)

On issue (2):
"watcher" is a valid way of referring to Pavitra because eir announcement of 
registration can be reasonably interpreted as requesting the 
nickname "watcher".

Thus the question is whether "watcher" is ambiguous -- perhaps designating one 
or more of the (non-rule-recognized) "watchers" that appear in the 
Registrar's report. The statement's use of "watcher" clearly implies that it 
is intended to name an single, unique entity. Since the 
Registrar-recognized "Watcher" is an unofficial title or position and not a 
name and since there are many watchers unofficially recognized by the 
Registrar, this usage cannot be reasonably attributed as referring to those 
watchers. Thus, the Registrar report watchers do not create sufficient 
ambiguity to require a judgement of UNDETERMINED.

Therefore, I proto-judge TRUE.


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